Friday, October 20, 2006

Teach less learn...what?

-between the camps of 'express yourself'(essential for healthy growth) and 'dont give yourself away'(they'll know your every weakness), the rest were just left to wonder.-quoteworthy? lol.

back when they were trying to get everyone enthusiastic about keeping diaries, i dont believe i ever thought of keeping one. firstly it was gay, secondly maybe writing to yourself seemed a little sad. and hinted at/would result in a loss of sanity. so now i have a blog, where content is regulated. though as exemplified by this paragraph that doesnt really seem to be very effective.

anw yesterday went church for p6 seminar. some people are under the impression that i went to macritchie to run/look at monkeys =) (identities hidden). where once again my social skills failed me, and 'nevermind' and 'its okay' once again win the prize for most frequently used phrases. and 'the same' won the prize for most common response (though its a fairly original one, if i may add). wasnt much help either =p. oh well. some time, perhaps.

but thats not the point. so after dinner there was some talk for parents of p6 kids, on life in secondary school. and there was some panel of parents who came up to answer FAQs on how they treat/discipline/wdv their children. so once again i was reminded of how easy we have it. though most of the time i appreciate the freedom to stayover, stay up, stay out, stay in front of the comp with near zero nagging, near zero information required, think they let go too early lol. i still have no idea why everything was suddenly 'allowed'.

okay i think ive said enough/too much. despite the length of the post. -end mild angst- right this post probably breaks the record for least number of '=/'s used. zero!

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