Thursday, March 08, 2007

Exhale Deeply.

lol this is supremely stupid. i think i fail my logic. and common sense. the presence of the 'i think' would seriously bring to question the accuracy of the statement. knowing that one is being -insert negative quality- (and it is unwarranted) doesnt make it any easier to stop it. so im sorry. lol.

anyway. got screwed by chem test quite badly. that shouldnt really matter, since i lost 15 notes, scanned randomly selected pages of 15b, did the same for 16. all the same i would gladly fall for mssoh's...sort of tactic. motivation is a good thing. cts are coming. watch me. lol.

sigh. hardly motivation actually. not going to last. i should start mugging. oh, and i used to be good. always thought i was, anyway. still do, maybe.

one or two people in class are How to Save a Life crazy. i actually like the song ( it was perfection of first misinterpretation, sometime late last year. actually i mentioned it in passing) but i might soon start referring to it as 'that damn song' at this rate. funny thing is i never quite managed to figure out what it really means. the confusion is primarily due to the presence of three protagonists, i think. heh i dont think many people really could, judging from all the weird youtube videos involving suicide. and other foolish ways of dying (actually i only watched one, at weirens request). well it was grammy nominated. not that i think it deserving of winning, but...the dixie chicks won. =/.

the next two weeks look like a lot of shit. saturday please come. (evening, the rest of the day looks to be really screwed up. and...i saw that.)

there. all better ^^. and dont ask please.

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