Monday, August 28, 2006

Did you think your day was shitty

hmm. things tend to repeat themselves. firstly. i have an mc. again. =/

anw after econs i was inexplicably struck with headache + stomachache. this rendered my productivity for the afternoon more or less gone. so i spent the whole day waiting for 7 oclock for the doctor to open, moaning and groaning and pretending to be pathetic. (but seriously its not very pleasant). then i ate dinner, and miraculously(disappointingly) wad was left of my fever was about as much dinner i ate.(something not quite right about that sentence). lol went doctor anw, since my lack of productivity would kill me tmr.

'gastric flu, and u still have a mild fever, but should be better by 10 or 11 tonight. do you need an mc?'

at this i stop to ponder. 'uhh okay'

'okay lah i dont think ur the type to skip lessons, but just in case' . lol looking guai has its advantages, no? or maybe thats a tactic they employ. questioning my integrity.

but seriously i really am guai. now im in a moral dilemma. to pon or not to pon (assuming i am better tmr of course [always good to have an escape route, in case teachers really read blogs]). . go to school tomorrow, chiong lit assignment+ chem tutorial in 2 hrs with a stomachache, or stay at home and bore myself playing dota. hmmm. what a difficult decision.

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