Saturday, August 26, 2006

Tale as old as time

lol weiren sent me disney songs ytd^^. well not really songs, apparently more of ripped-off audios from the videos. haha still rox though. lol its like subutex for going to fairytaleland. well his songs have dramatically altered the composition of my dramatically small playlist. since its on virtually all the time, theres gonna be less of westlife and other half-angsty songs ingrained into my subconsciousness, and more of disney-ish stuff. great i can be a happy goober now.

ah yes the glorious/not-so-glorious days of childhood. i wonder how much of us should be living in it. lol okay actually i can remember only bits of pieces from the disney videos time. but still. its like the african forest in HoD (quite unlike the lion king version =p). silent and imposing and always there.

anw. today was nice i guess. econs tutorial was stupid to a small extent, but its still stupid lol. and vadi, phang and leonard how combined make good comedy. unintentionally, on phangs part. lol. went sks bookshop to look for bs material. lol they seem to have everything except something we can decide on ><. but its a happy place ^^. lol seriously theres a..nice atmosphere there, for lack of a better word to describe it. and now im stoning =p. again.

following xrs good example, i have decided that after this weekend i shall stop playing dota till promos. at least i shall stop playing pubs without friends. then i can sort of start mugging. ><. and if i dont keep my word may i be bitten by 10 mosquitoes oO.

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