Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Once, upon a forever

hmm. happy valentines day, or something. hmm. how long it has been. Very, i think. least it seems that way.

anyway. since i last blogged: my house is pretty much..pretty. right. kay wdv its looking quite good. my life is currently not falling apart, tyvm. my understanding of the damn lectures and status on tutorials, though, is still the same.

on my 18th valentines day: save some random stuff, rather uneventful. but relatively, eventful. quite stupid, actually. lol. so nothing much actually happened apparently. but longkuan got a rose. it would appear his pri sch classmates all like him very much. or someone else does. i got ego marshmallows from lk. oO. and i have a story to tell someday. lol too much chocolate doesnt feel very good.

chinese new year approaches. and woot i just threw away a whole bunch of hongbaos. (and removed the money) (see last or last last post) i love my efficiency.

But who gives a shit about the hongbao when what really matters is whats inside. lawl.

(woops, deleted part n/a anymore)

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