Sunday, February 04, 2007

to the stars.

woot i am wide awake. i am moving tomorrow. how does one say goodbye, even to a house (an echo-riddled one).

on a separate note this house was really the reason for my changing primary schools. and who knows where i would be now if i hadnt moved. somewhere quite different, no doubt. still in this school, i think. but. lol. but if God had a plan, has a plan, then i guess it could not have happened any other way.

its a full moon tonight. some bloke on radio says its called the snow moon. the full moon at this time of the year. anyway. i am out of here, into that shithole. for now its a shithole anyway. who knows what its going to be like, after renovations.

anyhow, you're not likely to see me online for the next five days. at least. so its no msn or dota for the next 5 days. its not going to be pleasant, but after so long, i think i can endure that. lol. well. goodbye then.

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