Saturday, May 19, 2007

It only gets harder the more that you know

woot thats first song ive played twice (on wmp) in a long long time. apart from new songs lah. lol still dont know what its about though. not entirely, anyway.

Anyway. today = first event pulled off. yay. lol things went alright. pretty good. and mingbao rocks, for coming up with most of the games ideas, and being cameraman+ director for the promos+ having this strange ability to not be frustrated with anything + bringing/making most of the logistics stuff. oh and rachel lu too, of course (why'd i end up doing most of the talking though lol). and team marshals and station marshals. and i srsly respect uncle kien seng for taking that group. non-christian turnout = 19. one convert woot.

well alright. not much to say. lol. kinda tired now, been doing stuff since...7. well running around at least. damn printer + photocopier.

eheh i feel like ending off with some angsty line or quote or something, but nope, uninspired tonight. g'night then. sleep tight.

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