Saturday, September 09, 2006

Nothing accomplished

yet another 'nothing' title. yay. so the one week holiday that never was draws to a close. and i find myself having done nothing the whole week. what i wanted to do was do some tys qns, read some chem notes, file all my stuff, do maths practice qns. however, perhaps due to a lack of concrete goals (note how there are no quantitative values in the list) i obviously did not achieve all that. (see all those motivational, goal setting etc. talks are actually good for something). instead, i have managed to: empty my big box file(leaving all the stuff that was supposed to be filed lying on my table in piles, rendering me unable to do work in my room. and maths assignment (except general maths qns). and read (with little effect) chem notes. the uselessness of that was clearly demonstrated during the organic chem test, which, btw, could be used as a biology case study for erm. hormones. and stuff. or a case study for one of them goal setting talks. you know how they always say set realistic targets. well keeping an entire lt (lt 1 to be precise) full of students quiet for more than 1 hr and 10 minutes (the duration of the test, if i remember correctly) is hardly realistic. not even the hedgehog can do it.

anw. what i have been doing is playing dota, neopets, minesweeper, other random warcraft maps, watching tv and other time-wasting, counter productive activities. actually i havent even finished holiday homework. or done any pw. and the holidays (or sorry excuse for it) are more or less over(such a useless phrase, if its over its over lol). funny how i thought (like everyone else) the week would give all the time i needed to...settle stuff. ouch is all i can say.

on the topic of watching tv i watched groundhog day today. which is seriously a nice show. and infinitely better than vadis pck episode. and in a random coincidence-like thing groundhog days on the 2nd of february. whatever the significance of that(or the day after) may be. lol.

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