Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Trouble me not

its scary how i dont feel scared about promos. theres just this vague sense of 'something must be done' cos every one else is chionging like mad cows. btw this phenomemon would not have been witnessed in ri, i think. so the past few days have been completely unproductive. didnt catch shit in maths/econs, came home and wasted time doing stupid stuff (like xherosiege =p). apart sorting all the worksheets in my file by subject half hr ago. now all thats left to do is punch holes, file them, and repeat for the worksheets that were not in my file (the worksheets in my file are something like 2 wks worth of em). currently i cant do maths, not understanding chapters 8 9 10, dont understand nitrogen compounds, have forgotten all the stuff from previous chem lectures, and econs to me is more fictional than lit.yay. thats okay tomorrow shall be a mugging day(i wish). i need to get off the damn comp. its such a distraction that i broke my minesweeper best time again(which i did not think possible). currently its at 130.

and happy birthday again moca(yesterday). i think it felt like everyones birthday lol. arent u glad u didnt follow ur plan to organize ur own birthday *_*. and uhh acknowledgement is due to wr(and jishun. and me. and uhh basically everyone. but primarily wr). damn moca u make me jealous, wr works his ass off just for u =(.

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