Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Border than thou

title says it all. by experimenting with form, i also prove just how bored i am. having nothing much to blog about, its back to the ol' narrative for the day. so this morning i woke up. at 5. then mugged chem. then brushed my teeth. then wdv skip this. then collected results slip. then chem spa. then slacked around for abit. then went to eat lunch with jenson wr jishun. then met raja, and since there was time before movie started we stoned at macs and watched raja eat.

anyway. i think the bishan gay leads a very interesting life, observing ri/rj/other school students behind that newspaper and pervy smile. i mean obviously students are more interesting to observe than adults. i suppose he followed the ri ppls activities only because there was not much alternative. rj people are a hell lot more interesting to observe. in my opinion. i bet if u sat around for long enough something highly interesting is bound to happen. plus macs is a prime spot for flaming people that walk by out of earshot. and sourcing for gossip material. in a completely random and unrelated mention, today, among other people, crunch and nelson were spotted.

okayyyy. on to other things. watched death note. it was pretty cool i guess, what with prettybois masquerading as cooliobois. okay that is not a true reflection of the show, its just another symptom of boredom. it was pretty cool. but when someone keeps telling u something is cool, it doesnt become that cool anymore. and uhh jenson kept hitting me and saying 'so exciting'. =/. in addition, why does it not feel as impressive as hollywood films, apart from the crappy cgi.

in accordance with albars teachings, i have been making a conscious effort to observe random people on the trains. course usually it doesnt yield much. and people are usually forgotten. but. an interesting scenario today. and i shall attempt to, using my limited descriptive skills, to...describe it. ok. so im standing at my usual spot, that is to say, the area around the doors that dont open except at city hall/braddell. the one closest to the linkage between the carriages. so i could see that area, where people go to make out -.- so at the edge of that area, theres a woman leaning her side against the wall(arms folded), facing outwards, looking extremely stoned. dressed like shes going to supermarket or something (grey shorts, pink flip flops, dyed hair i think, quite unnoticeable). looks 30 something, probably 20 something. a little plump, short. short relative to the 2 standing behind her that is =/. tall (big is more appropriate) guy and tall girl, with hair thats dyed to a larger extent(blonde at that). now these people look 20 something. well they arent making out, but theres physical contact involved. so for awhile i was thinking, the poor ladys probably thinking, wth i wish they would pick a better spot than less than a metre behind me. but. then the guy(yes the guy) taps her shoulder(for the sake of it?), and she turns behind and engages in a little conversation with the two, smiling rather unconvincingly (unable to describe objectively). then she turns back around and resumes her staring into space with a tinge of buay song-ness. (see previous bracket) right. so she knew them. draw ur own inferences/conclusions please. now if one day i am ever caught in a situation like that remind me to slap myself or something.

lol that was exceedingly unecessarily long. but the highlight of the day was obviously the walk home in the storm, which can be themed 'all or nothing'. firstly the weather pattern seems to have been following this trend of late. they give u a storm, or they give u much heat. secondly this applies to umbrellas. either u bring the huge walking stick umbrellas, which provide considerable protection from most storms, or dont bring any at all, and wait for the damn rain to stop. i mean yeah you'll still be walking in water half the height of your shoe, but at least u wont get ur pants soaked to knee level. bringing puny little umbrellas that the rain takes not into consideration doesnt work very well. yeah so that more or less sums up my little adventure in the rain, and events for the day. though i think i might drown in exaggerated self-pity before i drown in the rain.

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