Tuesday, April 03, 2007

about time i blog, i guess. its kinda stagnating, but these days there are no conclusions to anything, or thoughts get themselves tied up.

alright. stuff over the last few days. saturday was kinda shitty. i was rudely awakened, at 530, for...no fathomable reason. anyway the moon was. big and round and bloody red (no pun). had to put on my glasses and check i wasnt dreaming, lol. then the latter half of the day (i.e. after getting home from bs) was spent in a foul mood. all the way till sunday morning. so uhh. sunday stuff was alot better. went lanning. for four hours. after qing ming.

bleagh this post was supposed to be up on tuesday or something. so the last paragraph is really supposed to be longer. heh but whatever. things have been going quite haywire lately, grades and all. sometimes faith wears thin and walls start trembling. but i'll make it through. just like before. in fact we're all going to make it. hope for it. ><

and i dont always know what to say, or what to do. eloquence was never something i had. but i'll be around.

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