Tuesday, April 10, 2007

what lies beneath

nebulous, by the way, is mondays word of the day. such an intriguing word. :P

So. it's time for a not-so-nebulous update. i shall cease discussing my state of mind/whatever. always ends up..nebulous. problem is, i havent much idea what to write. so. umm this'll be alot like old times!

alright. long weekend = relatively busy. friday had good friday service@expo. and...im in the planning commitee for pre-e event. (planning committee currently = 3 people) cause only 2 people replied the sms. oO. anyway my generation of ideas for these things kinda sucks. but oh well. lol i can point out alot of flaws though ><. then train ride #1 from expo to civil service club. bowling with phang and lk. umm yay phang owns me now. train ride #2 home. Saturday comes along. train ride #3 to little india. umm writers cip meeting. attendance seven. basically i turned up half an hour late and just. listened to them talk. lawl. the external volunteer appeared to have been left out of all the rj-exclusive talk. train ride #4 home. an hour later, train ride #5 to city hall. dinner with 4i people ^^. best attendance in a longlong time. i miss the old brand of humour sometimes. and we walked alot. originally with purpose. originally. oh and weiren has biceps.:Dtrain ride #6 home. alright i know 6 train rides in 2 days doesnt seem like alot, but by my 4th train ride i was really sick of the whole thing ><. hmm sunday. easter service. which was quite pro. then went to...buy a piano for sister. nothing interesting there though. right. so anti-climatic. lol

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