Sunday, April 29, 2007

April fools.

Alright lim min so you were right, it does rain a lot in April.

Everythings moist, decaying and eroded. Hold on to whatever you've got, dont get washed away. and sorry, if sometimes i forget. argh.

Havent blogged in ages. okay lah half a month. sian =p. April sucked. for almost everyone i know. now if April was anyone's favourite month of the year tell me and i will go over and shake your hand. but. oh well. if God has a plan, then i guess everything that happens happens for a reason. just not really fun when that reason is to test. hmph. we'll all get by, somehow and eventually. time solves everything?

I have a theory that everyones life becomes plain ol' weird sometimes, for no fathomable reason. okay its not very original. emphasis is on the everyone. if that makes it any less nonsensical. so at some point or other people start adopting Unwell as their theme song lol. and this is like, a lot of people.

Church is occupying an increasing amount of space in my life. which is good, i guess. second finger still a little numb from carrying the curry chicken yesterday oO. starting to talk to people and all. basically, im becoming sociable. shock. and my lack of inspiration for the pre-E outreach programme vaguely alarms me. lol.

It feels pretty good writing something thats not an essay. after half a month. ^.^ lol. May soon. if recent weather patterns (hoho what patterns) are anything to go by its going to be damn hot. wonder how it'll turn out. much labour or something. lol. damn why are As this year. Must mug ><

Okay enough angst lol. but hey, that felt good.
Edit: nice sunset. =)

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