Monday, December 11, 2006

(10, 11)/12

A Wedding
so yesterday was my cousins wedding, known to my sister and younger cousins as Giant, because hes 196. tea ceremony in the morning, and come evening i stepped into the exact same room as the one used for grad night, a little more than a year ago (orchard hotel, grand ballroom 3 right?=/) ahh weddings. dont they make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside(not really). but i suppose they do bring to mind repeat broadcasts of 'what i think of my love life/lives'(since you people asked for it). well weiren did sms me halfway through ;). i'll stop there lol. it could be the wedding, or it could be the wine oO. speaking of which my brother was given 30 bucks to drink like 200 ml of wine at one shot. this was by my perhaps drunk uncle, who also gave me 50 bucks to eat...broccoli. lots. of broccoli. like leftovers. there were 7 people under 18 at my table was a lot of broccoli. oh well at least now i dont have to worry so much about christmas presents making me broke. speaking of which, do NOT get me christmas presents (this is just in case you were planning to). this is because you are not likely to receive any from me =(. and if i do get them i will be left feeling very very bad.

A Birthday
Happy Birthday to my dad today. this section of the post is dedicated to the only person in the family who can actually make me laugh on a regular basis (apart from myself of course), who seems to be able to make any joke or story seem funny. who almost never gets angry, who seems to be capable of working endlessly, who used to let me play neopets on his comp when my mom was out, sometimes =D. damn i didnt get him a present. again. =/

..and a funeral
and this section of the post is dedicated to the crab i loved for a few hours. sry xr. heres to herman, may he be resting in peace in a place where he does not have to have his shell painted bright yellow.

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