Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Almost-Christmas

..which was where i ate this morning.

this ones for the record i guess. i hardly remember what i do every christmas eve. or any other time of the year for that matter.

Heres a conversation i had with my 6 yr old cousin yesterday at the tea ceremony. the gist of it anyway, dont remember very well. so it was about uhhh...fatness.

'the fattest boy in my class is justin (follows with a list of adjectives to describe justin and her relationship with him'
'u like him right!'
'noo i dont like him! (follows with some elaboration he bullies her or something or pulls her hair or something)'
-conversation switches to something else for awhile i think, due to the other people in the room, or maybe the bride arrived cant remember.
'u like justin right!'
'nooo he's not.....mine' i start frowning a little.
'not ur what?'
either her vocab is ownage, or...she is ownage. anyway. later that day. actually just a few minutes away.
'u like justin right!'
'nooo i like....b*******, hes a -slight pause- gentleman'(privacy protection laws)
eh lol. kindergarten crushes =p.

anyway after that everytime i saw her that day (quite alot) i went 'b*******!' how irritating am i =/. (dont answer that) she never acknowledged, or gave further details of course. but she did develop tendencies to start whacking me.

the wedding was..okay lor. except for the part where the groom(my cousin is the bride) came to tell their story. which was really quite sad, for one guy at least. who was in attendance. ouch. nice guys lose out i guess. no i dont think i will tell it.

hmm. an rj guy came to church today. dont know him, not really. not sure if hes staying, but yay. lol. his name i shall withhold, lest he gets assaulted acquaintances.

anyway. more storytelling is up next, with part II of christmas present exploits.
heh. it really did seem like nice weather for a walk. from the third floor it didnt look like it was raining at all -.- . oh and i lied =/. told me mum i was going to buy christmas presents for a class gathering. (ok not really, 4i gathering soon). could have gotten a lift, but i duno, the idea of getting a lift to buy a present for the guy whos giving u a lift sounds pretty absurd to me. so walked to, then aimlessly around parkway for quite some time before discovering they have a life bookshop lol. wont mention what exactly i got, cos uhhh i have come to the conclusion that it is vaguely rude. and i shall have to get used to my very crappy decision making process. not sure if wad i got was appropriate, but whatever. at the cashier was pretty jacked, i asked if i could just take the goods off the shelf, then the girl said yes, then i did, then the guy said which one do u want i'll get you a new one. shit lol. then the guy handed me what i bought after taking it out of the box, then i said i could just have it in the box, then he told me its for me to check if anythings broken -.-. shit again. then i was out of the shop before the girl went excuse me sir..sorry, but u havent paid. (._.) it was still raining when i started walking home. i love my umbrella. made a detour to get my sister another present(the same one) . to be fair lol. now all i have to do is...wrap them. by tmr morning.

this kinda weather= perfect christmas weather. even if it does require an umbrella. after all you know what they say about rain and all. hopes of new beginnings and something better. which usually never come. things i suppose looked a whole lot more promising last year, jc and orientation and all. but this year..i duno, maybe. (no u idiots not my love life lol). today the thought crossed my mind that really i should never have been complaining or lamenting or silently flaming. maybe its really no ones fault but mine. just crossed. briefly. either way, change is coming. (still not my love life)

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