Saturday, December 09, 2006

He said hes been down this road more than twice

So. events in my life (or lack of) these days.

watched Happy Feet yesterday, uhh finally? weiren says i must blog about its themes. really i wanted to talk about the plot, but given the amount of things i can say about it (quite crappy) i shall talk about the themes instead! basically i think the conservation message has been repeated enough. who the hell really cares if the world is going to end, since we all arent gonna be around for that. oh i remember when i actually was concerned about the endangered species of the world, long ago. but uhh that was long ago.

My sisters friends came over yesterday. good thing i went out soon after =p. 5 or 6 9 yr old girls in dance( i duno the significance of that but wdv) = -.-''''' anw they managed to wreck the laptop mouse. so today parents went shopping and got a new mouse. a rather expensive one at that. yay =/.

o2jam got installed in my comp while i was out yesterday. its quite fun lah ^^ i think. if a little...sleazy? feels like it thats all lol.

tomorrow would be my cousins wedding, and my other cousins 6th birthday. 11th is my dads birthday. todays the 9th already, so i guess i'll be getting the same thing for him. nothing. lol. =/

theres this cat. that has taken to sitting outside the house(actually it sometimes jumps over the fence into the side path), round the side, every weeknight at 730. then it goes miaomiaomiaomiaomiaomiaomiao. (actually there are 2 or 3 cats but only 1 goes miaomiaomiaomiaomiaomiaomiao). then my maid also goes miaomiaomiaomiaomiaomiaomiao. and uhh she throws it a drumstick bone(and i did too, twice =/) cos the miaoing is really quite cute. and we're moving out soon anw. just wants food though. <----------my love life, or the closest thing to it, for interested parties.

on the subject of moving, ive received news that we will be moving on my birthday, the date of which i shall not reveal =p. and my dad apparently gave up asking me if i needed a laptop, and told me he thinks i will, and we have no space for a computer room anyway, so i get a new laptop, and everyone has a comp! w00t. lol.

once again i would like to comment again on my dads cd collection =/. my mom was going through it today. backstreet boys, celine dion, britney spears, savage garden, lionel richie, u2, grammy awards nominees 1998 and 2001, grammy winners 1961-1981 ( why am i mentioning this i only know like one song lol), john lennon, beatles, and (older) stuff i cant remember. pity then, that most of it is vcds -.- or in the car -.-. anw i ripped the grammy nominees 1998 onto the comp(which is going to become my sisters comp[like wad on earth at this age, when i was her age...i hardly had access to the comp) today. and yes, its nice =p.

and thats almost all the stuff for the last few days. happy holidays everyone? right. didnt think so. lol. come to think of it my holidays have been...satisfactory.

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