Thursday, January 11, 2007


as one might know, today happens to be the 11th of January. i must say i think i should be quite grateful for it(today being the 11th that is), as i started the day determined to go through it completely free of any negative..stuff. genuinely cheery, in other words. aye, unfortunately, the day seemed to want to test me or something. see first there was the unfortunate accident of my having taken some relatively sexy pants in the darkness that was my room. now i usually would have borne it with all my usual good humour. and no, they who seemed bent on causing me uhh. torment? did not succeed very much. rather, thanks to the aid of lactic acid buildup produced by anaerobic respiration, resulting in a feeling very much like a cross between wanting to puke and waking up after a short afternoon nap, succeeded rather in irritation. therefore, if anyone happened to feel..ignored? (i duno) Whatever. lol. in addition to that, my calf happened to cramp somewhere in the canteen. whatever would i do without moca :D. oh right some fishing car stopping at the bus stop happened to not notice the large puddle of water, and me, standing there. luckily only my shoes and abit of my pants were not spared. -.- and uhh the two teachers standing behind the bus stop under a single umbrella to avoid potential accidents like the one that had befallen my shoes must be credited for their...ability to anticipate everything. after all, though buses are considerate enough to slow down, there are lots of cars that happen to drop people off at the bus stop.

lol this post reeks of...i dont know what. something that i do not like sounding like. adding more swear words and simplifying the language might help i guess. anyway, apart from that, my day was almost perfectly fine. though who knows what mightve happened if today didnt uhh right. lol. since a line stretches to infinity, it is impossible to get to the other side without either crossing it, or erasing it. sounds intelligent doesnt it? hold on, while i try to figure out what it could possibly mean.

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