Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Really good! (haha i just erased an entire paragraph of sarcastic potentially hurtful comments on the forecast for this year. but then i realized i might be exposed. so thats gone, which is probably a good thing, cos i was feeling pretty bad. after all, people have done nothing to deserve flaming. yes. i should be less cynical of them. after all my first impressions have mostly proven themselves to be overly harsh. just take my first impressions of the class and vadi ><. well anyway. going to miss vadi, gwee. the year looks like its going to be full everyones favourite activity. also looks like its going to be dry, boring, and filled with..unoriginal stuff that we've all heard too many times already, since pri sch i think. at least as far as teachers are concerned. well at least lit doesnt look too bad, according to wt. and pnp looks infinitely funner than othello. this is before i have touched the book btw)

ignore whats in the brackets pls.

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