Saturday, January 20, 2007

and i can only remember the answer.

this is really quite irrelevant and non-intelligent and all, but if anyones wondering where have all the cowboys gone, i think theyre all singing their sad sad songs. okay nevermind, dont think anyones going to get it but me. wow i can entertain myself. lol as for the rest, i think i'm losing it =(. oh well.

the weeks been...good. lol. now if i could only understand vectors, econs(i dont even know the damn topic), and bring myself to do my homework. speaking of homework i think there is quite alot of it. and today was almost entirely spent in church, and so will a large chunk of tmr, so im quite screwed. as i was saying, today was almost entirely spent in church, doing mostly nothing lol. oh right there was this inscribe a bible thing which i was persuaded to wait around(i.e. play lan) for 4 hrs for. basically they give people bible verses to handwrite, and compile them together. so no matter how small, ugly, unreadable and full of things to complain about my handwriting may be, a copy of revelations chapter 8 written in it is going to be sent to Israel oO. umm. yay i guess. lol. making history, they say. perhaps, but i think i've made better histories than that lol. hmm. damn, im running out of things to say too.

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