Thursday, January 25, 2007

All right

almost. wdv. lol. they played How to Save a Life on class95 today (?!). alright, theyre getting angsty now (and a little outdated). hmm actually its supposed to be anti-angst(?) but sounds damn angsty anyway =/.

yesterday was find-out-about-your-siblings-love-lives day. as i both found out who my sister likes and found my brothers (relatively new) blog >.<. the first does not really warrant any comment, but the second...i reserve comment. here, anyway. he also tried to find out how to fold paper roses, i find out today. i think i can claim credit for that =/. maybe i should teach him lol. whatever the case im not visiting his blog anymore ><. looking at history is damn stalker behaviour lol.

in other news my lack of efficiency the whole year has been mildly frustrating. in my room i tend to devote my attention to whatever the radios playing and/or walking around. and in front of the comp is just in front of the comp. lol maybe all that will change once i move, and then i will have both the radio and be in front of the comp, and a bed. and there will be so much to distract me i will just have to work.

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