Monday, May 29, 2006

Holiday Mood

Its that time of the year again. June hols. and im in a holiday mood. or at least my holiday mood. in case i havent whined about it to you yet, i dislike holidays. hate is too strong a word there cos usually theres still the too-much-free-time state of mind( state of mind does not = reality btw) which allows me to slack for the first 3 weeks or 7 days of the holiday, depending on which holiday it is. being able to spend time doing absolutely nothing( stoning) , or playing pointless games (Pokemon. lol lance n moca. despite what uall may think i have yet to outgrow that ;). was playing it in December last year. by the way they were showing Kyogre and Groudon the other day on the TV series how cool is that. too bad i missed it =( the guy in the dota game sure didnt though.)

Yes that was one long bracket thing. as i was saying. hols are usually enjoyable to some extent. however this holiday is special. this holiday will be full of things to do. of course most of them are rather unpleasant. for one in JC CTs are AFTER the damn holiday. so yes must study. study here comprises a variety of activities, including doing chem revision paper maths revision worksheets and for econs and lit there doesnt seem to be anything given which makes it worse cos that means ill have to find out how to study myself. this is especially so taking into consideration how bloody lost i feel when i look at notes. and the fact that i havent read Othello past act 2 and havent read HoD past page 70 something, much less comprehend Shakespeare's strings of things that look like words. mugging. how interesting.

speaking of lit i had intended to read stuff that isnt harry potter( was reading bk 6 at my cousins house im at page 400 now. and no i havent read it yet) or dan brown (Literature, in other words) to prepare myself for the seemingly impossible task of doing H3 lit. looks like thats not gonna happen =/.

then theres PW. dont we all <3 PW. PWPWPWPW. lol our revised GPP is due on the 1st of June and so are the survey drafts. yay and im supposed to start doing...something. cant quite remember what. then by the end of the Hols we are expected to have finished doing surveys and shd have started doing interviews. wow doesnt that sound like fun. i shall ignore Mings sms asking GPP how?.

lol and then i have to play dota. yea cant do without my daily dose of dota. and the tourney is turning out to be highly energy-consuming. and then there are the various random other activities such as remedial classes. and then there are the other random fun activities that have yet to be thought up ( i hope they are lol)

to top that all off theres the too-much-free-time state of mind, which has come visiting as usual, despite the especially busy holiday, if ur gonna call it that. theres something about the glorious morning sunshine that puts me off work. then ill jus dota. or watch tv. then when ive had enough dota or watched enough tv ill jus get sian. which can lead to me being irritable, sarcastic or stoned, among other things. so if i seem any of the above try to understand. its just the holiday

Friday, May 26, 2006

Lag, Luck and a Little bit(><) of skill

lol okay. background info: moca xr n me entered a dota competition. its called the King of Fighters 1v1 tournament or some shit liddat. i still think its an insult to dota naming some tournament after KoF. thought it was a noob amateur tourney at first but......

lol according to one (or some) of my numerous relief gp tutors intros should always be interesting, leaving the reader wanting to find out more. now wasnt that an excellent example of a good introduction.

so. for those who know dota terminology, read on. otherwise, dont bother. in any case its 3 people on each side playing 1v1 matches. winner stays loser goes. heros are fixed. anw 1st up xrs ogre vs a sniper. lol sniper got owned (duh xrs bloody regen hore ogre). then comes the exciting part. apparently theres a vast difference between our opponents skill lvl. opponents next hero: LICH. lolomgwth(no fwords)bbq. lol bloody best lich ever. ever. did i say ever. with a combination of dark ritual, pro denying skills and pro harrassing he managed to permanently press xr back to tower with little chance of gaining lvls. lich lvl 12, ogre lvl 4. lol. not like there was anything he could do bout it.

next paragraph. me. NA. haha well. it was mentally exhausting. but in between the 10-second moca phone calls and the crazy frosting and spiking(wow pun) and well, with lag(on his part), luck and a little bit of skill..well the guys only human lol. and his comp is probably only pentium 2? lol oh well. theres the top of the world feeling you get from winning dota only this time it was 100 times better. following that was a loss to a bane ele. lol lag+drained. wasnt as pro as lich in the earlier game but was damn ouch anw.

lol then moca played a damn nice lion >< . lots of luck lol. and lag(again on the other guys part. they all use the same comp lol. or theyre really 1 person who cant play sniper for nuts but everything else damn well) . and this time lots of skeeel. and then we won!!!!!!!!!!! top of the world feeling round 2 * 100 again. lol the whole episode lasted from 930-midnight. was high for about the same amount of time after that. =)=)

anw. hols are here. damn. lol.

so. wad have we learnt from this? personally ive learnt that i cant narrate stuff for nuts. especially not dota cos its kinda hard to do so. lol anyone want replays? for people who dont know a thing about dota. well ignore this post lol.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

lol hi. yea im back. after a long absence. feels weird typing to myself. anyway. todays topic: I have 3 days MC. In other words, i probably won't have to come to school until term? which means i wont have to see OA SP and JS and all the other teachers for quite a long time. to commemorate this highly special event that is worth commemorating, and because my head doesnt hurt so much anymore, and because the need to mug for GP is gone, i have decided to reopen my blog. double cause for celebration ( or not). also because i predict long periods of boredom over the next month, and to hone my narrative writing skills. lol. hopefully this time it wont sound so bad. i still flinch when recalling past posts on my blog ( dated 2004. hmm then i wasnt tall enough for my head to touch the handlebars[is that wad theyre called] on mrt trains =( )

anw. as i was saying. narrative skills. yes. i duno what kinda weird luck i have. i don even know if its a good thing lol. was feeling absolutely fine last night, apart from suffering from minor stress from late hw ( maths assignment) and gpp. then i wake up this morning and lo and behold my throat hurts. due to the looming GP CTs i felt obliged to start mugging. and so i played 1 game of dota(just one) did some of maths assignment and GPP and by lunchtime my head started to spin abit. ignoring common sense, i spent the rest of the day in front of the comp trying to read the damn infopacks, which were boring and repititive and nothing went into my brain. i think it made my head worse. ( lol probably a good thing?) wdv by dinner i was feeling crappy and decided to go see doctor. lol and yea theres the 3 day mc( to stop me spreading from other people, i highly doubt such a long time is necessary).

lol however i am contemplating going back to school on thursday friday and maybe even tomorrow. for one CTs are coming and i have a bad feeling aobut them. secondly i have a feeling the ct tomorrow is necessary preparation for promos >.< and its not counted anw. lol and if i do badly i can always blame the illness. thirdly i wanna spread the love to certain people who i would like to see fall sick. lol. so if u see me in school do remember to keep ur distance.