Friday, May 26, 2006

Lag, Luck and a Little bit(><) of skill

lol okay. background info: moca xr n me entered a dota competition. its called the King of Fighters 1v1 tournament or some shit liddat. i still think its an insult to dota naming some tournament after KoF. thought it was a noob amateur tourney at first but......

lol according to one (or some) of my numerous relief gp tutors intros should always be interesting, leaving the reader wanting to find out more. now wasnt that an excellent example of a good introduction.

so. for those who know dota terminology, read on. otherwise, dont bother. in any case its 3 people on each side playing 1v1 matches. winner stays loser goes. heros are fixed. anw 1st up xrs ogre vs a sniper. lol sniper got owned (duh xrs bloody regen hore ogre). then comes the exciting part. apparently theres a vast difference between our opponents skill lvl. opponents next hero: LICH. lolomgwth(no fwords)bbq. lol bloody best lich ever. ever. did i say ever. with a combination of dark ritual, pro denying skills and pro harrassing he managed to permanently press xr back to tower with little chance of gaining lvls. lich lvl 12, ogre lvl 4. lol. not like there was anything he could do bout it.

next paragraph. me. NA. haha well. it was mentally exhausting. but in between the 10-second moca phone calls and the crazy frosting and spiking(wow pun) and well, with lag(on his part), luck and a little bit of skill..well the guys only human lol. and his comp is probably only pentium 2? lol oh well. theres the top of the world feeling you get from winning dota only this time it was 100 times better. following that was a loss to a bane ele. lol lag+drained. wasnt as pro as lich in the earlier game but was damn ouch anw.

lol then moca played a damn nice lion >< . lots of luck lol. and lag(again on the other guys part. they all use the same comp lol. or theyre really 1 person who cant play sniper for nuts but everything else damn well) . and this time lots of skeeel. and then we won!!!!!!!!!!! top of the world feeling round 2 * 100 again. lol the whole episode lasted from 930-midnight. was high for about the same amount of time after that. =)=)

anw. hols are here. damn. lol.

so. wad have we learnt from this? personally ive learnt that i cant narrate stuff for nuts. especially not dota cos its kinda hard to do so. lol anyone want replays? for people who dont know a thing about dota. well ignore this post lol.

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