Still water runs deep, or so they say. but the government says, still water indirectly gives u dengue fever. so pls remember to empty ur pots, unclog ur gutters, and use ur toilet bowl at least occasionally. lol okay the above passage is. tangential. to my topic sentence for this paragraph. which is. this place is stagnating. after awhile blogging about 'what happened today' gives too little satisfaction. and theres nothing 'big' to blog about. cause lifes basically the same, which is to say, boring. im not complaining.
oh well. since 'what happened today' has not enough content, today being friday, a generally uninteresting day, i shall do something on 'what i learnt this week'. unfortunately my memory has holes in it, and i will not be able to recount everything. anw.
1) About Haggis.
which is a sheeps stomach stuffed with its internal organs after they have been ground. a scottish delicacy of sorts. apart from looking extremely appetizing, when read out loud it sounds mildly comical. Also they sell stuffed(as in stuffed toys) Haggis(s) in England, which lim min bought and brought to class for a grand total of 3 days. its really just a white furball with stick-on eyes and nose. but theres something irresistably cute about a stuffed toy modelled after. er. Haggis. in any case, that thing seems to have to have the uncanny ability to reduce depression rate of anyone it comes into contact with. for awhile at least. erm especially longkuan lol. the exception of course would be lim min. personally i have apologetic sentiments towards the haggis for all the times i dropped it on the floor =(.the poor thing, suffered worse abuses than that though. oh well at least it only costs 3 bucks, excluding airfare.
2) Lit week is a pointless waste of time.
do we look like we need to devote effort to proving to the rest of the school how much we love literature. lit week has wasted about 4 hours of my time this week. 1 hour was wasted doing research on haikus, which phang reminded me was to be done. however i later found out someone else had already sent in my part rendering it useless. 3 hrs was spent 'helping' with the writers haiku board. seriously all i did was cut out the 'i' and compose a haiku oO. which was kinda shitty but wdv. relative to shaoshengs 'oh my god please die' one it was...fair. then there was abit more spent trying to find out what a haggis really looks like, the stuffed one being an unreliable reflection of one.
3) hmm. i have much trouble thinking of what else ive learnt. okay. oa, despite her superior-to-you-idiots attitude, is actually susceptible to sloth.
proof of this is the way her lecture slides were..white. only the second lecturer to have white background. the other one had winnie the pooh oO. oa had..nothing really. unless of course she wasnt the one who came up with the slides. which would make it worse. in addition she seems to underestimate our spelling abilities by reminding us how 2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine was the source of common spelling error. (i did not refer to notes in spelling that btw. so there may be some problems with the hyphens, or the name. but im quite sure i spelt it right). ew okay im going completely off topic.
4) I learnt how to fold, from a rectangular sheet of paper, what ends up as two hearts. oO.
random stuff left behind by random people in random classrooms.
5) I learnt that phang, in addition to his talent in singing, is also a skilled artist, demonstrated through his spiderman and wolverine drawings. in fact it was so good only those who could truly appreciate abstract art could tell what they were.
6) That dota is still a pretty good way of wasting time without feeling shitty.
some call it a painkiller. or rather, moca calls it a painkiller. perhaps lol. however it would appear that after that the shittiness comes back, and its...shitty. flush your toilet bowls after use.
7) If your bored, read the obituaries.
theres always the occasional interesting story of someones life, abstractly captured in a black-and-white picture, and the long lines of descendents and their marriage partners. lol wdv. anw theres a pretty interesting one in todays paper. read if ur bored, or searching for goosebumps.
8) Number Eight was added in about 5 minutes after posting, when i happened to visit for the first time in a long time cheryls long-dead blog. only to find that it had been updated on wednesday. for what special purpose, you might ask. well apparently it was 2 lines of posting, the second of which was devoted to threatening to kill me. and number eight goes, dont mess with cheryl. too much.
and thats what ive learnt this week. the tangible stuff, anw.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
Some weird new reality
People are damn depressed these days. seriously. or easily agitated, angered, irritated, and swearing alot more often. or feeling like committing suicide. or inexplicably and extraordinarily high, but thats just moca(er im not excluding myself). maybe the whole idea of jc life is just starting to kick in or something. looks like guys and girls were all better off in sec sch. lol most of those i know, anw. the teachers' big promos countdown isnt helping either =/. oh well hopefully it will pass. then again by the time it does it might be time to start mugging for As. how depressing is that.
and my life is going nowhere( wow thats totally a moca thing to say). hm so it was never going anywhere cos its not supposed to right now, but ive been producing nothing. nothing! lol seriously i can sit at the comp at not do a single piece of work all night, or i can sit in my room and fall asleep with minimal work done. well i have to try improving the situation dont i. lol. hence i would like to announce to whoever it may be applicable to that i have deleted minesweeper from my comp! (sort of). seriously i think ive wasted over 20 hrs in 2 months playing it lol. which is probably a gross underestimation, but hey, i lose track of time when i play. Anw my time for expert is 192, if u beat it tell me and ill put it back on my comp lol.
and then theres my dota. like >.<. havent had a positive score since i-duno-when. no mood to play or something maybe. yea anw. u get the point. im wasting my time playing minesweeper and lousy dota games when theres a whole lot of shit to do, including writers stuff pw stuff normal homework stuff and the teachers keep going on and on about promos. Outlook for the next year: cloudy, with showers over most areas, possibility of thunderstorms, and some sun, i hope. hmm maybe its the weather thats getting everyone so depressed. Reuse reduce and recycle, help stop global warming and slow the melting of the polar icecaps which willl eventually drown us all!
Okay and i got tagged by weiren. oO. i was thinking of ignoring it(=)), cos its quite bo liao, but wdv. here goes.
4 beverages I enjoy from time to time:
1) ice lemon tea
2) lime juice
3) lemonade counts as 1 more right?
4) uhh. (is tempted to say something stupid). water. yay.
4 fantastic destinations I would like to go to on vacation before I die (excluding those I've already been to):
1) paris
2) the rural english countryside lol
3) venice?
4) under the sea (wth?)
4 celebrities I would like to go on a big date with:
1) Me
2) Me
3) Me
4) Me
(i dislike people making a big deal out of celebrities)
4 gadgets I do not have, which I would like to have:
1) a decent mp3
2) ps3 oO
3) something else that ends with 3
4) a comp that my warcraft works normally on
4 people i'm tagging: Everyone who has the misfortune of reading this. and wants to do it. people might harbour grudges against me if i name names.
and my life is going nowhere( wow thats totally a moca thing to say). hm so it was never going anywhere cos its not supposed to right now, but ive been producing nothing. nothing! lol seriously i can sit at the comp at not do a single piece of work all night, or i can sit in my room and fall asleep with minimal work done. well i have to try improving the situation dont i. lol. hence i would like to announce to whoever it may be applicable to that i have deleted minesweeper from my comp! (sort of). seriously i think ive wasted over 20 hrs in 2 months playing it lol. which is probably a gross underestimation, but hey, i lose track of time when i play. Anw my time for expert is 192, if u beat it tell me and ill put it back on my comp lol.
and then theres my dota. like >.<. havent had a positive score since i-duno-when. no mood to play or something maybe. yea anw. u get the point. im wasting my time playing minesweeper and lousy dota games when theres a whole lot of shit to do, including writers stuff pw stuff normal homework stuff and the teachers keep going on and on about promos. Outlook for the next year: cloudy, with showers over most areas, possibility of thunderstorms, and some sun, i hope. hmm maybe its the weather thats getting everyone so depressed. Reuse reduce and recycle, help stop global warming and slow the melting of the polar icecaps which willl eventually drown us all!
Okay and i got tagged by weiren. oO. i was thinking of ignoring it(=)), cos its quite bo liao, but wdv. here goes.
4 beverages I enjoy from time to time:
1) ice lemon tea
2) lime juice
3) lemonade counts as 1 more right?
4) uhh. (is tempted to say something stupid). water. yay.
4 fantastic destinations I would like to go to on vacation before I die (excluding those I've already been to):
1) paris
2) the rural english countryside lol
3) venice?
4) under the sea (wth?)
4 celebrities I would like to go on a big date with:
1) Me
2) Me
3) Me
4) Me
(i dislike people making a big deal out of celebrities)
4 gadgets I do not have, which I would like to have:
1) a decent mp3
2) ps3 oO
3) something else that ends with 3
4) a comp that my warcraft works normally on
4 people i'm tagging: Everyone who has the misfortune of reading this. and wants to do it. people might harbour grudges against me if i name names.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Much ado about nothing
okay since phang thinks im going crazy i will revert back to the let-me-tell-you-about-my-life-or-lack-of-it posts.
but first i have to officially proclaim that Her end is near. despite starting afresh with her some time ago it would seem that some things simply cannot be changed. having problems with her drive, it would seem. about 10 mins ago i tried to turn her on, and pushed the button, and she went off like some freaking car alarm. kinda noisy. then i tried again, and she wouldnt start. and again, but still nothing. shes on now, after much trying. still, the failure to start is seriously not a good sign. oh well. good thing i have backup ;).
And if your dumbstruck by the above passage pls refer to archives, somewhere around the first 20 posts.
anw major events of late include racial harmony day, wts birthday and wts birthday. lol with regard to racial harmony i believe s07a decided to celebrate what the government likes to call the'indian and others' community. (i would like to stress that its the govt). hence we had..i dont really know how many indians there were, about half the girls i think, kinda alot, and it gets confusing if jai singhs gifts to the girls(and solomon) of stuff to stick on ur head were to be counted. as for the rest, there were 2 japs, 1 viet/count dracula and 1 pakistani/visitor from the underworld, depending on who wore wangtings nightgown. the rest of the guys were dressed as apathetic chinese boys, or overzealous govt supporters who thought they were supporting racial harmony (govt agenda) by dressing up as PAP. i was the apathetic chinese boy who felt that he should stop the apathy, wearing the racial harmony badge as a sign of his intention to repent.
then theres wts birthday, yesterday. i will start off by asking, do plans ever work?? (rhetorical question). hmm nothing much to say about friday =/.went mos for lunch with wt chloe cheryl. lol where the woman at the counter was most amusing. apparently she thought my racial harmony badge was 'hen mei leh' translation: very pretty leh. 'whats it for ah?' 'eh if got extra can gimme anot hahaha(joking tone)'. 'wah very nice ah'. taking the hint, i decided that racial harmony was govt agenda anw, and gave it to her oO. lol.
then theres wts birthday, today. i will ask again, do plans ever work?? (rhetorical question). haha okay so we didnt rly manage to do anything, and our plan failed, thanks to sindhu getting food poisoning (long story). the irony is that the original plan(call it plan A) would have gone through, if the rehearsal wasnt scheduled in the first place. then the rehearsal was suddenly scheduled, and plan B was devised. plan B wouldve worked (probably) if sindhu hadnt gotten food poisoning resulting in the rehearsal being called off. now if we couldve somehow predicted that sindhu would get food poisoning we couldve gone through with plan A, which was a better option than plan B. but thats life i guess =(. oh well it still turned out pretty well(even if the whole thing was most inefficient), if not in a way that was expected =P, thanks to a Mr. ConsPiriNg, who devised a new plan, plan S. wont elaborate any more, lest wangting starts blaming me for making public his shame. all i can say is, pictures can be obtained from moca, of a01d. and happy birthday again wt!
oh and the people dont wanna buy the house anymore. how spastic are they. not enough money lah probably =P.
but first i have to officially proclaim that Her end is near. despite starting afresh with her some time ago it would seem that some things simply cannot be changed. having problems with her drive, it would seem. about 10 mins ago i tried to turn her on, and pushed the button, and she went off like some freaking car alarm. kinda noisy. then i tried again, and she wouldnt start. and again, but still nothing. shes on now, after much trying. still, the failure to start is seriously not a good sign. oh well. good thing i have backup ;).
And if your dumbstruck by the above passage pls refer to archives, somewhere around the first 20 posts.
anw major events of late include racial harmony day, wts birthday and wts birthday. lol with regard to racial harmony i believe s07a decided to celebrate what the government likes to call the'indian and others' community. (i would like to stress that its the govt). hence we had..i dont really know how many indians there were, about half the girls i think, kinda alot, and it gets confusing if jai singhs gifts to the girls(and solomon) of stuff to stick on ur head were to be counted. as for the rest, there were 2 japs, 1 viet/count dracula and 1 pakistani/visitor from the underworld, depending on who wore wangtings nightgown. the rest of the guys were dressed as apathetic chinese boys, or overzealous govt supporters who thought they were supporting racial harmony (govt agenda) by dressing up as PAP. i was the apathetic chinese boy who felt that he should stop the apathy, wearing the racial harmony badge as a sign of his intention to repent.
then theres wts birthday, yesterday. i will start off by asking, do plans ever work?? (rhetorical question). hmm nothing much to say about friday =/.went mos for lunch with wt chloe cheryl. lol where the woman at the counter was most amusing. apparently she thought my racial harmony badge was 'hen mei leh' translation: very pretty leh. 'whats it for ah?' 'eh if got extra can gimme anot hahaha(joking tone)'. 'wah very nice ah'. taking the hint, i decided that racial harmony was govt agenda anw, and gave it to her oO. lol.
then theres wts birthday, today. i will ask again, do plans ever work?? (rhetorical question). haha okay so we didnt rly manage to do anything, and our plan failed, thanks to sindhu getting food poisoning (long story). the irony is that the original plan(call it plan A) would have gone through, if the rehearsal wasnt scheduled in the first place. then the rehearsal was suddenly scheduled, and plan B was devised. plan B wouldve worked (probably) if sindhu hadnt gotten food poisoning resulting in the rehearsal being called off. now if we couldve somehow predicted that sindhu would get food poisoning we couldve gone through with plan A, which was a better option than plan B. but thats life i guess =(. oh well it still turned out pretty well(even if the whole thing was most inefficient), if not in a way that was expected =P, thanks to a Mr. ConsPiriNg, who devised a new plan, plan S. wont elaborate any more, lest wangting starts blaming me for making public his shame. all i can say is, pictures can be obtained from moca, of a01d. and happy birthday again wt!
oh and the people dont wanna buy the house anymore. how spastic are they. not enough money lah probably =P.
Friday, July 21, 2006
I think.
(dont speed read this, cos i din speed type it either)
stuff happens. and its nothing really. nothing about you. (or you have decisions to make. but there isnt much to it, really.) but then you have nothing to do, so your thoughts start wandering. and nothing becomes something, about you, of course, which becomes something that shakes the very foundations of your existence. okay maybe not that serious. but you get my point. and then a whole lot of drama ensues, inside and out. which turns into angst, depression, etc, etc, you get my point. the origins of which can be traced back to...nothing. so whats all the drama about?
i think, people shouldnt think so much. thats why they try to make themselves busy, i suppose.
but sometimes stuff happens, and it is about you. its your fault. youre the cause. etc etc. but you dont really know for sure, do you? lol. the most common answer to inexplicable things/things you dont want answered is 'thats life'. thats life, i guess.
In case you're wondering, and despite how it may seem, the post in all probability is not about you. mostly it arose because i was bored, and my thoughts were wandering, and they wandered to this topic, and i thought my thoughts for once made sense, so i had to capture them somewhere.
i would like to add that 'you' here does not refer to anyone in particular. its merely a term used to refer to. whoevers reading this. and i am not being condescending or anything, its just what i think. feel free to contradict me.
and i love contradicting myself. course, my argument is flawed, and filled with fallacies, and holes, and what-have-you(in other words its dinner for KI ppl). thats cos i thought it up.
and don't think of trying to interpret this, cos you're going to be wrong, and end up with a headache =). theres nothing behind it really. i think. wadthehellnowimconfusingmyself.
wow im turning angsty. lol dont worry, im still sane.
stuff happens. and its nothing really. nothing about you. (or you have decisions to make. but there isnt much to it, really.) but then you have nothing to do, so your thoughts start wandering. and nothing becomes something, about you, of course, which becomes something that shakes the very foundations of your existence. okay maybe not that serious. but you get my point. and then a whole lot of drama ensues, inside and out. which turns into angst, depression, etc, etc, you get my point. the origins of which can be traced back to...nothing. so whats all the drama about?
i think, people shouldnt think so much. thats why they try to make themselves busy, i suppose.
but sometimes stuff happens, and it is about you. its your fault. youre the cause. etc etc. but you dont really know for sure, do you? lol. the most common answer to inexplicable things/things you dont want answered is 'thats life'. thats life, i guess.
In case you're wondering, and despite how it may seem, the post in all probability is not about you. mostly it arose because i was bored, and my thoughts were wandering, and they wandered to this topic, and i thought my thoughts for once made sense, so i had to capture them somewhere.
i would like to add that 'you' here does not refer to anyone in particular. its merely a term used to refer to. whoevers reading this. and i am not being condescending or anything, its just what i think. feel free to contradict me.
and i love contradicting myself. course, my argument is flawed, and filled with fallacies, and holes, and what-have-you(in other words its dinner for KI ppl). thats cos i thought it up.
and don't think of trying to interpret this, cos you're going to be wrong, and end up with a headache =). theres nothing behind it really. i think. wadthehellnowimconfusingmyself.
wow im turning angsty. lol dont worry, im still sane.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
From the third floor i see a great many things
Such as the large white 7 seater parked opposite. i duno the make, cos its too dark. the fella didnt turn off his headlights though. i have no idea why he would want to leave them on, but wdv. ok after some questions i have ascertained that the white car in fact belongs to the property agent(s). yea theyre husband and wife, and the post has been edited in light of this new information. anw now the property agents and my parents are sitting downstairs discussing terms. yep, we're selling. Oo. weird stuff, they came only once before this, i think. oh yes, i remember them. the mother, who smiled at me as i walked home just yesterday to find them standing outside, with dark red hair (dyed of course). then the daughter, the plump (i refrain from being offensive) haig girls girl. (haig girls sch, btw is 50 m away), who squeezed herself to one side as i walked past, a little too deliberately, i think. and the property agent. she almost bowed and thanked me as they left yesterday. she doesnt have to take her friendly facade that far lol.(alliteration=)).
haha there's stuff to hate about everyone i suppose. Malice.
oh well if i sound a tad bitter, its probably cos i am a tad bitter. lol alrite so when my parents ask if im okay with it, my stand is whatever i dont rly care. haha i actually dont, but im gonna miss some things about this house, which i shall elaborate on another day, lest i run out of things to blog about. oh well. looks like its time to move. again. for those of u who dont know ive moved 6 times my entire life, rental or otherwise. of those twice were to this house, i.e. i moved in, moved out then moved back again.
btw. i think real estate is somewhere in the last few of my future career choices.
and ive been feeling rather busy. ok not really ive been feeling like i should feel busy. august looks like its going to be a busybusy month. and there seem to be so many things to do, jus that i cant recall any =/. lol yea this post is kinda messed up.
ANYWAY. although the time of post says 9 something,
ACTUAL TIME OF COMPLETION: 12:06 am, 21st july 2006. this is due to my saving the draft to go err do other stuff and play dota.
in any case, since it is well now 12:08 am, 21st july 2006, Happy Birthday Wangting!
and why are u not staying up for your own birthday when so many other people are.
haha there's stuff to hate about everyone i suppose. Malice.
oh well if i sound a tad bitter, its probably cos i am a tad bitter. lol alrite so when my parents ask if im okay with it, my stand is whatever i dont rly care. haha i actually dont, but im gonna miss some things about this house, which i shall elaborate on another day, lest i run out of things to blog about. oh well. looks like its time to move. again. for those of u who dont know ive moved 6 times my entire life, rental or otherwise. of those twice were to this house, i.e. i moved in, moved out then moved back again.
btw. i think real estate is somewhere in the last few of my future career choices.
and ive been feeling rather busy. ok not really ive been feeling like i should feel busy. august looks like its going to be a busybusy month. and there seem to be so many things to do, jus that i cant recall any =/. lol yea this post is kinda messed up.
ANYWAY. although the time of post says 9 something,
ACTUAL TIME OF COMPLETION: 12:06 am, 21st july 2006. this is due to my saving the draft to go err do other stuff and play dota.
in any case, since it is well now 12:08 am, 21st july 2006, Happy Birthday Wangting!
and why are u not staying up for your own birthday when so many other people are.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
All the irritating things
constantly searching for a way to describe my day, if i may, i shall express today. in terms of well, the title says it all. i would do a happy one if i could bring myself to write about happy stuff. but i couldnt. so. the irritating things about my day.
1) Blocked/runny nose
consider the following situation. you have a blocked/runny nose. u have to constantly inhale sharply to keep the mucus from leaking out of your nose (i apologize for this, and any other VITs that may occur to you during the course of reading this post, even if theres no reason for them to). however, if u suck too hard ur left ear gets blocked. which becomes more irritating than your nose. so u have to pinch your nose and blow through it to unblock your ear. but that brings u back to square 1, cos the mucus would be back where it started. well thats basically the situation i was in for most of lit lesson and maths lecture.
2)Mocas golden Ball
Moca had a golden ball, he left it in the hall. no, thats not right. somehow he managed to leave one of his balls (well the one he brought to school) in an unspecified location somewhere in the canteen. having realized that he had left his ball behind only after he had gone for lesson he entrusted weiren with the task of entrusting me and wangting(wangting and i, but i dont care, im so self centered i have to put myself first) with the task of searching for his missing ball. of course i was not very happy with my lunch being interrupted. however i felt obligated to search for it, lest moca (and someone else, maybe) slaughter me for abandoning his golden spherical thing. anw after combing the canteen twice weiren msged me again and asked me to look under the tables. how his ball got under a table i have no idea. anw i found it next to where wangting was talking to his friend, apparently enquiring about the lost ball. how he could miss something so big i have no idea either. anw end of story. now im taking out my irritation by testing my rhyming prowess in writing about it. refer to first sentence. anything else is completely your imagination.
3) The maths lecturer's voice.
it gets to me after awhile. oh and her talking to her laptop screen.
4) KMnO4.
What can i say. i actually like the nice purple colour when its extremely diluted. however when concentrated its the colour of a bruise (sort of, anw). and then when it splashes onto stuff it turns the colour of ointment =/. things that got stained include my calculator, my hand and lots of toilet paper. i dont know if its the incessant splashing of the KMnO4, or the fact that i had to redo the preperation of the standard solution cos 250 cubic centimeters of water/acid wasnt enough to dissolve 1 gram of KMnO4, but i got damn agitated during the titration. that feeling where you feel like pulling out ur hair, or whacking something, or slamming down ur conical flask and walking out of class. and you know you cant perform delicate operations, such as dropwise addition of titrant while OA is evaluating u.
and thats just about everything irritating today. not that much really =/.
1) Blocked/runny nose
consider the following situation. you have a blocked/runny nose. u have to constantly inhale sharply to keep the mucus from leaking out of your nose (i apologize for this, and any other VITs that may occur to you during the course of reading this post, even if theres no reason for them to). however, if u suck too hard ur left ear gets blocked. which becomes more irritating than your nose. so u have to pinch your nose and blow through it to unblock your ear. but that brings u back to square 1, cos the mucus would be back where it started. well thats basically the situation i was in for most of lit lesson and maths lecture.
2)Mocas golden Ball
Moca had a golden ball, he left it in the hall. no, thats not right. somehow he managed to leave one of his balls (well the one he brought to school) in an unspecified location somewhere in the canteen. having realized that he had left his ball behind only after he had gone for lesson he entrusted weiren with the task of entrusting me and wangting(wangting and i, but i dont care, im so self centered i have to put myself first) with the task of searching for his missing ball. of course i was not very happy with my lunch being interrupted. however i felt obligated to search for it, lest moca (and someone else, maybe) slaughter me for abandoning his golden spherical thing. anw after combing the canteen twice weiren msged me again and asked me to look under the tables. how his ball got under a table i have no idea. anw i found it next to where wangting was talking to his friend, apparently enquiring about the lost ball. how he could miss something so big i have no idea either. anw end of story. now im taking out my irritation by testing my rhyming prowess in writing about it. refer to first sentence. anything else is completely your imagination.
3) The maths lecturer's voice.
it gets to me after awhile. oh and her talking to her laptop screen.
4) KMnO4.
What can i say. i actually like the nice purple colour when its extremely diluted. however when concentrated its the colour of a bruise (sort of, anw). and then when it splashes onto stuff it turns the colour of ointment =/. things that got stained include my calculator, my hand and lots of toilet paper. i dont know if its the incessant splashing of the KMnO4, or the fact that i had to redo the preperation of the standard solution cos 250 cubic centimeters of water/acid wasnt enough to dissolve 1 gram of KMnO4, but i got damn agitated during the titration. that feeling where you feel like pulling out ur hair, or whacking something, or slamming down ur conical flask and walking out of class. and you know you cant perform delicate operations, such as dropwise addition of titrant while OA is evaluating u.
and thats just about everything irritating today. not that much really =/.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
'Ice milo, 1 dollar.' the coffeshop auntie put the cup of milo on the table, sticking out a callused hand, face devoid of emotion. he hastily searched his wallet, gave her a 2 dollar note. she searched her pouch for change, almost slammed it on the table, and strode away, leaving him and his milo, not casting him a second glance.
It was far too early on a sunday morning for there to be any sort of crowd, if there ever was one in this obscure coffeshop. still not fully awake, he stared at the cup of milo for awhile. the cup was the usual translucent variety used by coffeeshops islandwide. he bent over to drink it, such that he viewed the cup from the top. paused. the milo at the surface was far too light. held the cup up. of course, the milo powder had all settled at the bottom. set it back down on the table.
He bent over again, grasped the straw, paused. sat there admiring the faint brown colour of the milo. seemed to hesitate. then stirred.
The surface was suddenly turbulent as the once-calm surface roared to life. a whirlpool of sorts was formed, sucking everything in a circular motion. ice cubes crashed against each other noisily. and he watched, transfixed, as the milo powder at the base was stirred up, and the surface turned a darker shade of brown.
Did he really need to do that? he thought he wouldn't like it if he didn't stir. perhaps he was right. Perhaps.
If u thought that to be the colour of milo (i.e. shitty), say 'aye'. anw. ok. it seems im going to have to write my first creative prose piece for writers inc anthology ><. (i hate doing poetry). however, my skill at this genre has been..untested. honestly i havent done any since pri school? so i figured i would have to start somewhere..=/
'Ice milo, 1 dollar.' the coffeshop auntie put the cup of milo on the table, sticking out a callused hand, face devoid of emotion. he hastily searched his wallet, gave her a 2 dollar note. she searched her pouch for change, almost slammed it on the table, and strode away, leaving him and his milo, not casting him a second glance.
It was far too early on a sunday morning for there to be any sort of crowd, if there ever was one in this obscure coffeshop. still not fully awake, he stared at the cup of milo for awhile. the cup was the usual translucent variety used by coffeeshops islandwide. he bent over to drink it, such that he viewed the cup from the top. paused. the milo at the surface was far too light. held the cup up. of course, the milo powder had all settled at the bottom. set it back down on the table.
He bent over again, grasped the straw, paused. sat there admiring the faint brown colour of the milo. seemed to hesitate. then stirred.
The surface was suddenly turbulent as the once-calm surface roared to life. a whirlpool of sorts was formed, sucking everything in a circular motion. ice cubes crashed against each other noisily. and he watched, transfixed, as the milo powder at the base was stirred up, and the surface turned a darker shade of brown.
Did he really need to do that? he thought he wouldn't like it if he didn't stir. perhaps he was right. Perhaps.
If u thought that to be the colour of milo (i.e. shitty), say 'aye'. anw. ok. it seems im going to have to write my first creative prose piece for writers inc anthology ><. (i hate doing poetry). however, my skill at this genre has been..untested. honestly i havent done any since pri school? so i figured i would have to start somewhere..=/
Friday, July 14, 2006
All the shitty things
haha okay. my last post was met with awkward silence that i swear i could feel hanging over the site. so i shall do something less different. dont take the last one too seriously btw. oO
okay. this week seemed unusually long. but i will list all the shitty things thatve been going on.
Sometime early this week/late last week: Warcraft started hanging comp when i went on bnet, took about 40 mins before i could get a game where i wouldnt hang, and then spend 1 hr playing the game, usually getting fatal error or the game going to pieces thanks to leavers.
Monday: got back maths paper. 50% was rather bad. alot of people were doing Bs =(. seriously i got 50% for okay so i guess with the amount of mugging i did for maths i deserved to 50%..but its still shitty.
Tuesday: yea well ive said it all, longest day ever, 8-5 with 1 hr of break in between, + PE and chem prac. tiring. plus the weather sucked all afternoon.
Wednesday: See above. good thing no chem prac. weather sucked all morning. spent the afternoon stoning, and the night trying to do GP.
Thursday: turns out Gabriel wee din come, eliminating the need to do gp and resulting in wasted effort. third consecutive day of PE. i remember being bloody tired/zoned out/stoned. din help that there was writers after that, till 6+. din help that maths assignment was due on friday(today). furthermore my reformatted-30-days-ago comp required activation. din help that the activation key wasnt working. so i used my dads old laptop, which is newer than my comp, but lacking in many areas, such as a proper mouse, proper speakers and a keyboard that doesnt cause me to typo so much(im having a rather hard time typing this). more importantly, no warcraft. unable to adapt to new conditions i decided to try doing the maths assignment in my room, where my bed is =(. slept at 10
Friday: woke up at 4. did some of maths assignment. lessons were more or less shitty. had to chiong maths assignment. longkuan and phang got extensions, but heeding wangtings advice i handed in half completed like a good boy.
oh and my throat was mildly shitty on thursday and today, but i cant whine about that, cos the councillors have it worse.
ah yes. and that was more or less all the shitty things that happened to me over the week, resulting in my being depressed most of the time. course there were good things, but happy stories have lost their appeal. the weekend looks like it will be spent doing bloody gp homework. yes i know its good for me but cant i complain anw?
okay. this week seemed unusually long. but i will list all the shitty things thatve been going on.
Sometime early this week/late last week: Warcraft started hanging comp when i went on bnet, took about 40 mins before i could get a game where i wouldnt hang, and then spend 1 hr playing the game, usually getting fatal error or the game going to pieces thanks to leavers.
Monday: got back maths paper. 50% was rather bad. alot of people were doing Bs =(. seriously i got 50% for okay so i guess with the amount of mugging i did for maths i deserved to 50%..but its still shitty.
Tuesday: yea well ive said it all, longest day ever, 8-5 with 1 hr of break in between, + PE and chem prac. tiring. plus the weather sucked all afternoon.
Wednesday: See above. good thing no chem prac. weather sucked all morning. spent the afternoon stoning, and the night trying to do GP.
Thursday: turns out Gabriel wee din come, eliminating the need to do gp and resulting in wasted effort. third consecutive day of PE. i remember being bloody tired/zoned out/stoned. din help that there was writers after that, till 6+. din help that maths assignment was due on friday(today). furthermore my reformatted-30-days-ago comp required activation. din help that the activation key wasnt working. so i used my dads old laptop, which is newer than my comp, but lacking in many areas, such as a proper mouse, proper speakers and a keyboard that doesnt cause me to typo so much(im having a rather hard time typing this). more importantly, no warcraft. unable to adapt to new conditions i decided to try doing the maths assignment in my room, where my bed is =(. slept at 10
Friday: woke up at 4. did some of maths assignment. lessons were more or less shitty. had to chiong maths assignment. longkuan and phang got extensions, but heeding wangtings advice i handed in half completed like a good boy.
oh and my throat was mildly shitty on thursday and today, but i cant whine about that, cos the councillors have it worse.
ah yes. and that was more or less all the shitty things that happened to me over the week, resulting in my being depressed most of the time. course there were good things, but happy stories have lost their appeal. the weekend looks like it will be spent doing bloody gp homework. yes i know its good for me but cant i complain anw?
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
wow how superficial is this post.
I should be attempting to do some of the absurd amounts of homework given, but nahh. well todays post is about superficiality, having had a discussion with someone about it earlier in the day. actually there were only a few lines about the subject matter but hey, my brain turned it into an essay. so. what is superficiality?? zz im almost too lazy to think about this.
( P )
anw the only definition of significance is the 2nd one. theres some thoughts swimming in my head about it. so i will just attempt to make some sense out of them. im not saying im correct or anything btw. just trying to sort some stuff out. give ur opinions, if you find them valid in enlightening me, and the other people who read this blog (not alot, but do it anw ><) In the first place is there such a thing as a superficial person? taking the dictionary meaning and applying it to relevant context, a superficial person would have a shallowness to him(i will not /her not because i am sexist but because i am lazy) so the only thing to him would be..general appearance, mannerisms, preferences, etc. and his thoughts would all be about what hes gonna wear, what hes gonna say, etc. so basically his life would have no depth. but is there such a person? it is a fact that everyone has more or less been through quite abit of life. surely people would have gained something, some depth from it. is it possible that they could emerge from their pasts as shallow people? it is also generally accepted that people(try to) reveal only as much of themselves as they want to, be it their past or their thoughts. so some people who look like they are nothing more than walking talking pieces of flesh, may actually have some level of depth.(i say some because i do not know enough people well enough to qualify this statement). How is depth defined, anyway? does being able to philosophize about the world, or write poetic sounding lines, or being able to look like you know alot more than you let on constitute depth? or is the volume formula applicable, surface area* depth = volume, where everyones volume is the same? pfft. i honestly have no idea. if that were the case then would superficiality and sincerity be related, where how superficial you are depends on how much of you you present to others? how is identity derived, anyway?
so if there are no such things as superficial people, then there are only superficial relationships. by my definition it is one where each of the people involved in the relationship chooses to involve only a part of him in it. (i.e. he'll ask you hows your day, what homework there is, but really doesnt put himself in the interaction) if that even makes sense. i do not say 'chooses to reveal only a part of him in it, because it is given that there are very few people one can completely make himself known to. besides, if the complete picture of you was shown to everyone the phrase 'getting to know you' would be irrelevant wouldnt it. its possible to not reveal much about urself, but still involve yourself in the relationship, i suppose. its not how much of yourself you reveal, but how much of you you show. or is it.
So. anw. superficial relationships? relationships are by default superficial. they have to start out on the surface, because like i said no one shows himself in his entirety. so they have to start out superficial. then some relationships progress and grow deeper. but the superficial aspect of it has to be kept, i guess. the world itself is largely based on superficiality, and you still ask people routine questions like 'how much you get for test' even if youve known them for years and years and you know you can trust them with all your darkest secrets. so relationships still have to function on a superficial level.
haha so theres basically no conclusion. relationships have to function on a superficial level, and then with some people theres another layer, and another and another. but i dont suppose these lower depths can be explored with essays. relationship matters like this cant be, shouldnt be, defined with long lines of argumentative debates with self. these come from the brain(or at least the part where logic and all that stuff is contained). that place processes things too superficially. as i have discovered in the course of writing this.
funny how ive never really tried reasoning all this out till now. doesnt make things very much clearer btw. oh well. its food for thought. that you'll probably chew and chew and never get it down to small enough pieces to swallow lol.
i hope i din offend anyone with my views/the publication of my views. or muddled thoughts. 1st non-boring-narrative post, so well i wouldnt rly know..

- Of, affecting, or being on or near the surface: a superficial wound.
- Concerned with or comprehending only what is apparent or obvious; shallow.
- Apparent rather than actual or substantial: a superficial resemblance.
- Trivial; insignificant: made only a few superficial changes in the manuscript
anw the only definition of significance is the 2nd one. theres some thoughts swimming in my head about it. so i will just attempt to make some sense out of them. im not saying im correct or anything btw. just trying to sort some stuff out. give ur opinions, if you find them valid in enlightening me, and the other people who read this blog (not alot, but do it anw ><) In the first place is there such a thing as a superficial person? taking the dictionary meaning and applying it to relevant context, a superficial person would have a shallowness to him(i will not /her not because i am sexist but because i am lazy) so the only thing to him would be..general appearance, mannerisms, preferences, etc. and his thoughts would all be about what hes gonna wear, what hes gonna say, etc. so basically his life would have no depth. but is there such a person? it is a fact that everyone has more or less been through quite abit of life. surely people would have gained something, some depth from it. is it possible that they could emerge from their pasts as shallow people? it is also generally accepted that people(try to) reveal only as much of themselves as they want to, be it their past or their thoughts. so some people who look like they are nothing more than walking talking pieces of flesh, may actually have some level of depth.(i say some because i do not know enough people well enough to qualify this statement). How is depth defined, anyway? does being able to philosophize about the world, or write poetic sounding lines, or being able to look like you know alot more than you let on constitute depth? or is the volume formula applicable, surface area* depth = volume, where everyones volume is the same? pfft. i honestly have no idea. if that were the case then would superficiality and sincerity be related, where how superficial you are depends on how much of you you present to others? how is identity derived, anyway?
so if there are no such things as superficial people, then there are only superficial relationships. by my definition it is one where each of the people involved in the relationship chooses to involve only a part of him in it. (i.e. he'll ask you hows your day, what homework there is, but really doesnt put himself in the interaction) if that even makes sense. i do not say 'chooses to reveal only a part of him in it, because it is given that there are very few people one can completely make himself known to. besides, if the complete picture of you was shown to everyone the phrase 'getting to know you' would be irrelevant wouldnt it. its possible to not reveal much about urself, but still involve yourself in the relationship, i suppose. its not how much of yourself you reveal, but how much of you you show. or is it.
So. anw. superficial relationships? relationships are by default superficial. they have to start out on the surface, because like i said no one shows himself in his entirety. so they have to start out superficial. then some relationships progress and grow deeper. but the superficial aspect of it has to be kept, i guess. the world itself is largely based on superficiality, and you still ask people routine questions like 'how much you get for test' even if youve known them for years and years and you know you can trust them with all your darkest secrets. so relationships still have to function on a superficial level.
haha so theres basically no conclusion. relationships have to function on a superficial level, and then with some people theres another layer, and another and another. but i dont suppose these lower depths can be explored with essays. relationship matters like this cant be, shouldnt be, defined with long lines of argumentative debates with self. these come from the brain(or at least the part where logic and all that stuff is contained). that place processes things too superficially. as i have discovered in the course of writing this.
funny how ive never really tried reasoning all this out till now. doesnt make things very much clearer btw. oh well. its food for thought. that you'll probably chew and chew and never get it down to small enough pieces to swallow lol.
i hope i din offend anyone with my views/the publication of my views. or muddled thoughts. 1st non-boring-narrative post, so well i wouldnt rly know..
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Swarm of subjects
Was a most memorable day. the longest academic day. ever! memorable, but rather boring. civics feels like it took place yesterday or sth. lessons of note include chem. which demonstrated that the rj chem dept isnt as incompetent as we thought it to be, thanks to the arrival of that guy. i think he was a foil for OA. to think she dropped jensons class. when they were doing better than us.
and then there was h3 lit. well students arent the only ones ponning classes. dont tick beside the names of perry(parry?) and bachelor plz. oh well. the lesson demonstrated that rj lit dept has funnier teachers than i thought ( no offense against keith wong). anw purvis was rather interesting, despite the lesson being rather boring. he was quoting some random philosophy-that-defies conventional-philosophy-of-life lines, which he apparently committed to memory along with the sequence of all the books in the bible. oh well i have a philosophy of my own, not really based on anything, that goes 'the cynical usually win(when they dont it causes quite alot of embarassment, but they usually do)'.and he inspires a slight amount of uneasiness when he wears his glasses and looks at everyone above them.
ive said this many times before, and im gonna say it again. the lit dept, btw, is elitist!
lol ok anw. maths sucks. funny how i thought 53.5 in sec 1 was rly rly bad.
Was a most memorable day. the longest academic day. ever! memorable, but rather boring. civics feels like it took place yesterday or sth. lessons of note include chem. which demonstrated that the rj chem dept isnt as incompetent as we thought it to be, thanks to the arrival of that guy. i think he was a foil for OA. to think she dropped jensons class. when they were doing better than us.
and then there was h3 lit. well students arent the only ones ponning classes. dont tick beside the names of perry(parry?) and bachelor plz. oh well. the lesson demonstrated that rj lit dept has funnier teachers than i thought ( no offense against keith wong). anw purvis was rather interesting, despite the lesson being rather boring. he was quoting some random philosophy-that-defies conventional-philosophy-of-life lines, which he apparently committed to memory along with the sequence of all the books in the bible. oh well i have a philosophy of my own, not really based on anything, that goes 'the cynical usually win(when they dont it causes quite alot of embarassment, but they usually do)'.and he inspires a slight amount of uneasiness when he wears his glasses and looks at everyone above them.
ive said this many times before, and im gonna say it again. the lit dept, btw, is elitist!
lol ok anw. maths sucks. funny how i thought 53.5 in sec 1 was rly rly bad.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Sanity's eclipse
lol. i think im going mad. like seriously. when i walk home i have to go from the back, meaning i have to walk along the side of my house to get to the front gate. today i walked home and seemed to find the outside wall of my house abit strange. i thought i remembered it being a pale pinkish-yellow, like the facade of the house. but it was white. but then i got home and i asked about it and my maid said no, it had always been white. oO. then i remember, oh yea it was white. or was it? and left it at that =/. bloody scary. maybe its the lack of sleep..
and something somewhere out there seems to not want me to play dota. everytime i go bnet it hangs after awhile, even though my comp was reformatted less than a month ago.
and something somewhere out there seems to not want me to play dota. everytime i go bnet it hangs after awhile, even though my comp was reformatted less than a month ago.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Pulling a Nava:
a phrase used to describe the act of saving conversation histories on msn, containing potentially scandalous information that can potentially be used against the other party, either as evidence used to justify some theory, or as points of discussion, also with negative consequences towards the other party, leaving the other party feeling horribly cheated =(. this is especially so if the conversation in question contains content that is in fact not scandalous but meant as entertainment, for the benefit of the party-that-isnt-the-other-party.
and thats another definition from Y.T. rather, its the first. to be published here, anw. haha but seriously no offence taken.
for more information on pulling a nava, lol why the heck should i give u more info on pulling a nava.
anw. homework sucks. but as i am going to try to stay up to try to watch the world cup final, without falling asleep, i have plenty of time to do it. it only comes once in four years, they say. besides id like to see what happens to me when i get minimal sleep and then go to school the next day. maybe ill be in a bad mood =). or maybe ill be too sleepy to pay attention to my lousy maths/econs marks =/. or maybe ill just end up falling asleep halfway through the match and end up getting sufficient sleep =(.
a phrase used to describe the act of saving conversation histories on msn, containing potentially scandalous information that can potentially be used against the other party, either as evidence used to justify some theory, or as points of discussion, also with negative consequences towards the other party, leaving the other party feeling horribly cheated =(. this is especially so if the conversation in question contains content that is in fact not scandalous but meant as entertainment, for the benefit of the party-that-isnt-the-other-party.
and thats another definition from Y.T. rather, its the first. to be published here, anw. haha but seriously no offence taken.
for more information on pulling a nava, lol why the heck should i give u more info on pulling a nava.
anw. homework sucks. but as i am going to try to stay up to try to watch the world cup final, without falling asleep, i have plenty of time to do it. it only comes once in four years, they say. besides id like to see what happens to me when i get minimal sleep and then go to school the next day. maybe ill be in a bad mood =). or maybe ill be too sleepy to pay attention to my lousy maths/econs marks =/. or maybe ill just end up falling asleep halfway through the match and end up getting sufficient sleep =(.
post deleted
lol well there was a post here, posted around midnight, but after thinking awhile i decided it wasnt required. so yea wdv.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Hung up
lol okay. happy birthday jenson! lol it wasnt much, but yea. happy bdae anw. if u read this (highly unlikely). okay i shall have to end up blogging about 'today' again. never anything to blog about =/.
lit lessons= boring. still trying to enforce some iron grip on everyone, it seems. while keeping a 'free' discussion lesson. hmm i'd like to see how thats gonna come out eventually. er and some work for h2 wouldnt rly hurt that badly. gp= i have nothing to say about gp cept the guy is weird. one can spend an entire lesson observing speech patterns dress sense and other miscellaneous stuff. not that i do that of course =P. but at least theres something going on oO. i think i simply dont take very well to the subject.
lol i dont like criticizing teachers. anw. celebrated jensons bdae after sch. if u could call it a celebration.. basically went pasta =/. which was entirely not my decision. but i was like okay ill go say hi to the 7a ppl who would likely still be there. of course i expected a not-so-friendly greeting, having declined the invitation to go pasta only to show up at pasta lol. anw i go there and lo and behold, toon hwee appears! lol nvm. anw yea toon was there 2. wow i pick up the weirdest phrases from phangs writing. besides it was rather dramatic since they were all seated in the obscure corridor at the back, well out of sight. well response to my appearance was better than expected, with the exception of phangs show of displeasure, mainly involving showing me his half-eaten food. hmm although i think as they walked out of the place one or two ppl muttered something which i could not hear that seemed to contain malicious content.
lol ok fine it wasnt that bad. hm actually it wasnt bad at all. but a little exxageration nv hurt ne1 =/
anw sat at pasta. and talked. till 5. lol. funny how time flies when ur not doing nething in particular. [like playing minesweeper. yay i completed expert. finally oO]
and so ends my most uninteresting narrative of my day. sry, but i was bored and felt like i needed to do something.
lol btw dota is a most interesting game. you see stuff that u would nv have expected to exist in ppl.
..and bah. terms starting.
lit lessons= boring. still trying to enforce some iron grip on everyone, it seems. while keeping a 'free' discussion lesson. hmm i'd like to see how thats gonna come out eventually. er and some work for h2 wouldnt rly hurt that badly. gp= i have nothing to say about gp cept the guy is weird. one can spend an entire lesson observing speech patterns dress sense and other miscellaneous stuff. not that i do that of course =P. but at least theres something going on oO. i think i simply dont take very well to the subject.
lol i dont like criticizing teachers. anw. celebrated jensons bdae after sch. if u could call it a celebration.. basically went pasta =/. which was entirely not my decision. but i was like okay ill go say hi to the 7a ppl who would likely still be there. of course i expected a not-so-friendly greeting, having declined the invitation to go pasta only to show up at pasta lol. anw i go there and lo and behold, toon hwee appears! lol nvm. anw yea toon was there 2. wow i pick up the weirdest phrases from phangs writing. besides it was rather dramatic since they were all seated in the obscure corridor at the back, well out of sight. well response to my appearance was better than expected, with the exception of phangs show of displeasure, mainly involving showing me his half-eaten food. hmm although i think as they walked out of the place one or two ppl muttered something which i could not hear that seemed to contain malicious content.
lol ok fine it wasnt that bad. hm actually it wasnt bad at all. but a little exxageration nv hurt ne1 =/
anw sat at pasta. and talked. till 5. lol. funny how time flies when ur not doing nething in particular. [like playing minesweeper. yay i completed expert. finally oO]
and so ends my most uninteresting narrative of my day. sry, but i was bored and felt like i needed to do something.
lol btw dota is a most interesting game. you see stuff that u would nv have expected to exist in ppl.
..and bah. terms starting.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
The not-so-great depression
Issit just me, or econs marks, or is there a general sense of...quiet in school. ppl dont get high so easily these days. happy? hardly. people are moaning, looking like theyre mourning, not saying as much, basically being depressed. lol i guess i would have to include myself. calm water surfaces can hide strong undercurrents, or so they say. or i say, at least. and who knows what everyones depressed about. mid-year sianness or sth. maybe its the cts. or pw. or bgr. or the fact that theres nothing to look forward to. nothing major at least. or maybe depression is infectious ( i think it is). dont suppose most people know why theyre depressed. it feels good? lol. anw. crunch says: 'cheer up everybody'. maybe. lol.
anw, i think the hols have unlocked some hidden talent for cracking jokes that are funny cos theyre not. or not funny at all. temporary relief. at least for me -.-
Q: What happened to the snail whos rear end got run over by a truck??
A: it became a nail
plz dont tell me u dont get it. btw the many lols which i realized i put into this post halfway through are punctuations. or signs of some warped amusement. ahh who knows. lol lol has so many meanings, every1s lol means different stuff. and no1 can really define theirs, i suppose.
anw, i think the hols have unlocked some hidden talent for cracking jokes that are funny cos theyre not. or not funny at all. temporary relief. at least for me -.-
Q: What happened to the snail whos rear end got run over by a truck??
A: it became a nail
plz dont tell me u dont get it. btw the many lols which i realized i put into this post halfway through are punctuations. or signs of some warped amusement. ahh who knows. lol lol has so many meanings, every1s lol means different stuff. and no1 can really define theirs, i suppose.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Dreary valley of deceptive darkness
Term 3 looks like its gonna be shit. basically everything should conclude by term 4 so we have 9 weeks to finish everything. teachers will be rushing, homework will be rushed, and so will pw. PW!!
i was just reminded the other day that pw final report is due end of this term. =/ die.
Kok just dropped some bomb during maths by going through all the shit we need to finish by this term, and reminding us that promos are almost immediately after sch reopens.
highly likely its the same for the rest of the subjects. can be seen from the speed of chem lecture today, they intend to complete topic 10 in 2 lectures. and for lit we shall have to finish reading both othello and hod by promos.
h3 lit starting soon, and i have no idea wad to do, nor do i have any background of reading litty books. or any other books for that matter.
ct results back in a week or so, and though i may have told myself im gonna fail many times, i know im not prepared to. highly unlikely theres gonna be alot of time to mug for promos, given the shit schedule. so screwed.
OA reminded everyone of spa this term. hurray.
pe was amusing, in a sadistic sort of way. they were asking us to select electives. then they gave this whole long list, packed with fun-sounding activities, like ice-climbing and something that involves whacking people with sticks. being a non-pe kinda guy i tell myself im jus gonna choose sth boring that doesnt require coming to sch on sat. so i sat there contemplating till the woman goes 'all those who failed napfa, din take napfa, or got bronze for napfa not allowed to take elective. go train ur napfa' . though i am not exactly very enthusiastic about pe elective, i still do not want to spend pe lessons running round the track and doing pullups -.-. besides its my sbj and snr that failed. ok nvm i thought, pe elective only 5 weeks, napfa training only 5 weeks. first 5 weeks theres this inter class games competition. ok lah doesnt sound too bad. then after all the hoo-hah about sorting ppl into grps the woman comes and says ' those that failed napfa, din take napfa, or got bronze for napfa wont be doing this either'. in other words, theres a whole terms worth of running round the track to look forward to. uh yay.
i nv really understood what the veterans meant when they said jc life damn stress. oh well. looks like we're all on the road to becoming veterans ourselves. ggxx gl hf(try to) dont get lmaowtfbbq-ed.
i was just reminded the other day that pw final report is due end of this term. =/ die.
Kok just dropped some bomb during maths by going through all the shit we need to finish by this term, and reminding us that promos are almost immediately after sch reopens.
highly likely its the same for the rest of the subjects. can be seen from the speed of chem lecture today, they intend to complete topic 10 in 2 lectures. and for lit we shall have to finish reading both othello and hod by promos.
h3 lit starting soon, and i have no idea wad to do, nor do i have any background of reading litty books. or any other books for that matter.
ct results back in a week or so, and though i may have told myself im gonna fail many times, i know im not prepared to. highly unlikely theres gonna be alot of time to mug for promos, given the shit schedule. so screwed.
OA reminded everyone of spa this term. hurray.
pe was amusing, in a sadistic sort of way. they were asking us to select electives. then they gave this whole long list, packed with fun-sounding activities, like ice-climbing and something that involves whacking people with sticks. being a non-pe kinda guy i tell myself im jus gonna choose sth boring that doesnt require coming to sch on sat. so i sat there contemplating till the woman goes 'all those who failed napfa, din take napfa, or got bronze for napfa not allowed to take elective. go train ur napfa' . though i am not exactly very enthusiastic about pe elective, i still do not want to spend pe lessons running round the track and doing pullups -.-. besides its my sbj and snr that failed. ok nvm i thought, pe elective only 5 weeks, napfa training only 5 weeks. first 5 weeks theres this inter class games competition. ok lah doesnt sound too bad. then after all the hoo-hah about sorting ppl into grps the woman comes and says ' those that failed napfa, din take napfa, or got bronze for napfa wont be doing this either'. in other words, theres a whole terms worth of running round the track to look forward to. uh yay.
i nv really understood what the veterans meant when they said jc life damn stress. oh well. looks like we're all on the road to becoming veterans ourselves. ggxx gl hf(try to) dont get lmaowtfbbq-ed.
Monday, July 03, 2006
dont think. feel?
acknowledgements to wts blog title for the post title. oO. the post may not turn out to be very coherent. no, i didnt wake up at 5 today. actually i slept at 5. anw went xrs hse for sleepover, which mostly consisted of...watching stuff. so this shall be about all the stuff watched today and yesterday.
1) Multiple lame its not easy-superman vidoes.
Special mention goes to this one:
Why you should watch it: we all love seeing our attention-seeking american-born chinese counterparts make fools of themselves in the hope that it will make them popular in a society that makes outcasts of them, dont we?
2)High School Musical, THE SHOW, in the opinion of disney channel. and quite a few other people.
Why you should watch it: Err. to see if its that good, and cos everyone else is watching it? personally, i think its...alright. just alright lol. ( i guess im asking for a flaming ><). it most certainly isnt good enough to warrant disney channels screening of it 3 times in 4 weeks ( sing-along version on 23rd july, hook up ur mikes and karaoke!) and producing some er. asian version soundtrack, sung by american-born asians. sry, but i just cant bring myself to like it.
3) House. all night/morning long. well maybe i din watch everything. but i watched enough to know that...its good.
Why you should watch it: House owns. and by the time you finish watching a few episodes youll want to grow up to become a crippled, cane wielding, inperturbable, seemingly half-crazy doctor just so u can spray witty, sarcastic, acid-dripping lines that demonstrate ur superior intellect and are conjured up at will at your inferior colleagues and patients. however, side effects may include malicious thoughts occuring more often.
4()):30. out of a random streak of wanting to do something different(understatement), i think i was the one who suggested 4:30, when it was decided that we should do something before going home lol. or at least, i seconded it. anw after much planning on how to get to plaza sing on a tight schedule involving beedict returning toon hwee his calculator (oO) we took a brave step forward and walked into our first arthouse flick! at least i think its arthouse stuff.
Why you should watch it: who doesnt like watching seemingly psycopathic chinese boys( which are really quite rare, in singapore at least) pee into depressed korean guys bathtubs? but seriously(to answer ur qn weiren n bee) it was kinda abstract/hard to understand. i got the plot, but it didnt really make sense. and i couldnt see any..messages or anything, apart from 'don't leave ur child sharing an apartment with a random korean guy while u fly off to beijing permanently'. Maybe the guy just wanted the audience to see things from someone else's point of view. lol maybe its better not to think about it too much. and just...feel. Maybe.
1) Multiple lame its not easy-superman vidoes.
Special mention goes to this one:
Why you should watch it: we all love seeing our attention-seeking american-born chinese counterparts make fools of themselves in the hope that it will make them popular in a society that makes outcasts of them, dont we?
2)High School Musical, THE SHOW, in the opinion of disney channel. and quite a few other people.
Why you should watch it: Err. to see if its that good, and cos everyone else is watching it? personally, i think its...alright. just alright lol. ( i guess im asking for a flaming ><). it most certainly isnt good enough to warrant disney channels screening of it 3 times in 4 weeks ( sing-along version on 23rd july, hook up ur mikes and karaoke!) and producing some er. asian version soundtrack, sung by american-born asians. sry, but i just cant bring myself to like it.
3) House. all night/morning long. well maybe i din watch everything. but i watched enough to know that...its good.
Why you should watch it: House owns. and by the time you finish watching a few episodes youll want to grow up to become a crippled, cane wielding, inperturbable, seemingly half-crazy doctor just so u can spray witty, sarcastic, acid-dripping lines that demonstrate ur superior intellect and are conjured up at will at your inferior colleagues and patients. however, side effects may include malicious thoughts occuring more often.
4()):30. out of a random streak of wanting to do something different(understatement), i think i was the one who suggested 4:30, when it was decided that we should do something before going home lol. or at least, i seconded it. anw after much planning on how to get to plaza sing on a tight schedule involving beedict returning toon hwee his calculator (oO) we took a brave step forward and walked into our first arthouse flick! at least i think its arthouse stuff.
Why you should watch it: who doesnt like watching seemingly psycopathic chinese boys( which are really quite rare, in singapore at least) pee into depressed korean guys bathtubs? but seriously(to answer ur qn weiren n bee) it was kinda abstract/hard to understand. i got the plot, but it didnt really make sense. and i couldnt see any..messages or anything, apart from 'don't leave ur child sharing an apartment with a random korean guy while u fly off to beijing permanently'. Maybe the guy just wanted the audience to see things from someone else's point of view. lol maybe its better not to think about it too much. and just...feel. Maybe.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
No title
since i have nothing to blog about and i feel the need to blog i shall just blog today was...nice. in spite of/because of syf opening ceremony. hmm ok this entry is going to be one of those pri sch type journals they made ppl write.
Today. i woke up at 5. again. haha kinda sucks. but what am i to do about was a bright and beautiful day when the sun shone its bright yellow rays through my half open window, about two hours after i had been woken from my slumber.
The land before time (insert roman numeral) : the great longneck migration was showing on hbo. i liked the old ones better. with lousier graphics, but nicer. lol maybe its cos i was younger. besides they played that land before time song, the title of which i do not know, which the one i watched today did not have :O. greatest song ever. wdv it was still nice watching it. btw i still duno the gender of the thing that isnt littlefoot, the triceratops, spike, or the flying guy.
then i played dota. not worth mentioning. then i went to school. then i boarded the bus. then we went to the stadium, as i engaged in conversation with nava ( javine and danny werent there. but im sure they genuinely couldnt make it). the contents of my conversation with nava should not be disclosed.
following that, we broke up (mutual decision...i think..hope ><) as nava joined her friends and i joined wr jishun and their classmates. however fate still brought us together as i found myself seated next to her. haha ok dont mind all the small talk.
The SYFOC was Such Fun!!! especially since they gave us inflatable balloon-stick things with team singapore stamped on them. and we sang multiracial songs, celebrating our uniquely singaporean identity. and then we sang songs of Hope, Joy, celebrating the Vibrancy of Singaporean youths. Everyone should have been there to soak up the Atmosphere. and Heat. and then the pm came :O. what a sight it was, to see our most honourable pm celebrate youth day with us young citizens. and travel around in his big fat jeep. i feel that the emcees (whoever they were) should be given special credit, for daring to try to Reach Out to the thousands of youths present at the ceremony, forced to increase their odds of getting heatstroke. i say they should be made youth day mascots, as they embody whatever the government is doing to try to get our youths to generate more future revenue. i er...dont remember the rest of the things that went on there.
anw that wasnt the fun part! the fun part was when we left. i will not specify when. so while nava and co. decided to walk around kallang/geylang, jishun wr and myself went suntec, and basically sat around eating dinner/drinking stuff/eating dessert for...quite a long time. How inconsiderate! lol actually we were supposed to wait for jishuns friends jingzhou n huanglu but after waiting for quite long (again no specifications) we decided we shd just leave. just as they reached suntec 2 lol. oh well. it was time well wasted.
hmm i shd take night walks home more. interesting things seem to happen after seven. (rhyme!) . anw it was at the traffic light. Old man cycling really slowly on a three wheeled contraption cycles across the street(i was on the other side) while light was green, as the road was empty save for a taxi and another car on the bus lane, both of which had stopped to drop off ppl. Light turns amber. Taxi stops to pick up another passenger, blocking half of the crossing. Light turns red. Old man continues cycling[i told u he was slow]. Just as i start crossing, old man who now is almost in front of the taxi says, "kaninabu cheebye" rather loudly. i laugh involuntarily. rather loudly too. i think he heard me =/.
Today. i woke up at 5. again. haha kinda sucks. but what am i to do about was a bright and beautiful day when the sun shone its bright yellow rays through my half open window, about two hours after i had been woken from my slumber.
The land before time (insert roman numeral) : the great longneck migration was showing on hbo. i liked the old ones better. with lousier graphics, but nicer. lol maybe its cos i was younger. besides they played that land before time song, the title of which i do not know, which the one i watched today did not have :O. greatest song ever. wdv it was still nice watching it. btw i still duno the gender of the thing that isnt littlefoot, the triceratops, spike, or the flying guy.
then i played dota. not worth mentioning. then i went to school. then i boarded the bus. then we went to the stadium, as i engaged in conversation with nava ( javine and danny werent there. but im sure they genuinely couldnt make it). the contents of my conversation with nava should not be disclosed.
following that, we broke up (mutual decision...i think..hope ><) as nava joined her friends and i joined wr jishun and their classmates. however fate still brought us together as i found myself seated next to her. haha ok dont mind all the small talk.
The SYFOC was Such Fun!!! especially since they gave us inflatable balloon-stick things with team singapore stamped on them. and we sang multiracial songs, celebrating our uniquely singaporean identity. and then we sang songs of Hope, Joy, celebrating the Vibrancy of Singaporean youths. Everyone should have been there to soak up the Atmosphere. and Heat. and then the pm came :O. what a sight it was, to see our most honourable pm celebrate youth day with us young citizens. and travel around in his big fat jeep. i feel that the emcees (whoever they were) should be given special credit, for daring to try to Reach Out to the thousands of youths present at the ceremony, forced to increase their odds of getting heatstroke. i say they should be made youth day mascots, as they embody whatever the government is doing to try to get our youths to generate more future revenue. i er...dont remember the rest of the things that went on there.
anw that wasnt the fun part! the fun part was when we left. i will not specify when. so while nava and co. decided to walk around kallang/geylang, jishun wr and myself went suntec, and basically sat around eating dinner/drinking stuff/eating dessert for...quite a long time. How inconsiderate! lol actually we were supposed to wait for jishuns friends jingzhou n huanglu but after waiting for quite long (again no specifications) we decided we shd just leave. just as they reached suntec 2 lol. oh well. it was time well wasted.
hmm i shd take night walks home more. interesting things seem to happen after seven. (rhyme!) . anw it was at the traffic light. Old man cycling really slowly on a three wheeled contraption cycles across the street(i was on the other side) while light was green, as the road was empty save for a taxi and another car on the bus lane, both of which had stopped to drop off ppl. Light turns amber. Taxi stops to pick up another passenger, blocking half of the crossing. Light turns red. Old man continues cycling[i told u he was slow]. Just as i start crossing, old man who now is almost in front of the taxi says, "kaninabu cheebye" rather loudly. i laugh involuntarily. rather loudly too. i think he heard me =/.
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