Friday, July 21, 2006

I think.

(dont speed read this, cos i din speed type it either)
stuff happens. and its nothing really. nothing about you. (or you have decisions to make. but there isnt much to it, really.) but then you have nothing to do, so your thoughts start wandering. and nothing becomes something, about you, of course, which becomes something that shakes the very foundations of your existence. okay maybe not that serious. but you get my point. and then a whole lot of drama ensues, inside and out. which turns into angst, depression, etc, etc, you get my point. the origins of which can be traced back to...nothing. so whats all the drama about?

i think, people shouldnt think so much. thats why they try to make themselves busy, i suppose.

but sometimes stuff happens, and it is about you. its your fault. youre the cause. etc etc. but you dont really know for sure, do you? lol. the most common answer to inexplicable things/things you dont want answered is 'thats life'. thats life, i guess.

In case you're wondering, and despite how it may seem, the post in all probability is not about you. mostly it arose because i was bored, and my thoughts were wandering, and they wandered to this topic, and i thought my thoughts for once made sense, so i had to capture them somewhere.

i would like to add that 'you' here does not refer to anyone in particular. its merely a term used to refer to. whoevers reading this. and i am not being condescending or anything, its just what i think. feel free to contradict me.

and i love contradicting myself. course, my argument is flawed, and filled with fallacies, and holes, and what-have-you(in other words its dinner for KI ppl). thats cos i thought it up.

and don't think of trying to interpret this, cos you're going to be wrong, and end up with a headache =). theres nothing behind it really. i think. wadthehellnowimconfusingmyself.

wow im turning angsty. lol dont worry, im still sane.

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