Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The not-so-great depression

Issit just me, or econs marks, or is there a general sense of...quiet in school. ppl dont get high so easily these days. happy? hardly. people are moaning, looking like theyre mourning, not saying as much, basically being depressed. lol i guess i would have to include myself. calm water surfaces can hide strong undercurrents, or so they say. or i say, at least. and who knows what everyones depressed about. mid-year sianness or sth. maybe its the cts. or pw. or bgr. or the fact that theres nothing to look forward to. nothing major at least. or maybe depression is infectious ( i think it is). dont suppose most people know why theyre depressed. it feels good? lol. anw. crunch says: 'cheer up everybody'. maybe. lol.

anw, i think the hols have unlocked some hidden talent for cracking jokes that are funny cos theyre not. or not funny at all. temporary relief. at least for me -.-

Q: What happened to the snail whos rear end got run over by a truck??

A: it became a nail

plz dont tell me u dont get it. btw the many lols which i realized i put into this post halfway through are punctuations. or signs of some warped amusement. ahh who knows. lol lol has so many meanings, every1s lol means different stuff. and no1 can really define theirs, i suppose.

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