Sunday, August 27, 2006

Wanna see ur facial expression change?

Relative to my sister, i eat fast. which becomes a problem when we eat out, cos i get bored. which leads my thoughts to roam realms unimaginable. anw heres the latest instalment of things that arent even funny. =)

So once upon a time, in the plains of faraway England, there lived a young horse. as this young steed (who was rather vain) gazed at his reflection in the water bucket one day, he found himself most dissatisfied with his snout. 'its short and stubby! how am i supposed to find a girlfriend like this (mares generally find long snouts attractive)' so being most unhappy about it, he went about looking for ways to extend his snout. he tried all sorts of things. first he offered to plough the land, walking backwards. then he asked his fellow horses to clamp his face between their rumps, and he pulled backwards with all his might. he even asked his friend the wolf to bite (gently) and pull. however all that didnt work, even after a few months hard work. so he was upset, and slipped into depression. permanently. and thats the end. (what a sad story)

anw. the morale of the story is
Why pull a long face?

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