Thursday, September 21, 2006

The tag

right. ok actually i did not do it earlier because i was busy racking my brains for things that will fuddle all of yours. besides its thursday morning, which is hardly suitable for mugging, and i need stuff to blog about, and i need entertainment. anw here goes.

One. Think of 15 short bits of interesting stuff about yourself. And they’ve gotta be true.
Two. Come up with 5 false statements regarding yourself, but for fun's sake keep them in the threshold of believability.
Three. Jumble them all up together and list them in any order.
Four. Post them on LJ and let people guess which the five false ones are!
Five. Get 5 others to do the same.

1. At one point in time i had guppies in cheap plastic tanks, at another i had various fishes in a not-so-cheap tank, at another i had swordfish in a small fountain-pond, and at another i had koi in a fibreglass tank.
2. My favourite time of the day is the 6am-11am period.
3. I am unable to think of anyone whose guts i hate so bad i want to kill the fella.
4. Being an extremely docile guy, i have squished less than 20 mosquitoes and ants combined my entire life.
5. I used to know a lot about dinosaurs. when i was eight i knew what a masiakasaurus was.
6. Ive cheated someone of money before.
7. In primary school i always wanted to be a prefect, cos i wanted power, and got angry when i wasnt chosen.
8. When i was younger i used to fold lots of origami, then use them as toys and start playing with them.
9. I've moved house 6 times.
10. At one time i wanted to learn to draw, so i borrowed drawing books from the library.
11. It was only the december hols after PSLE that i was allowed to access the computer anytime i wanted.
12. Currently my computer contains more songs by the beatles than any other artiste/group.
13. Corn is one of the vegetables that i actually enjoy eating.
14. I think of myself as anti-social.
15. There used to be this mango tree in my backyard that yielded the sourest of mangoes, and (only) my parents would put black sauce in it and eat it.
16. I was so superstitious, i used to believe that the good and bad things that happened in a day would balance out. hence if bad things happened to me i would think 'theres bound to be good things later on'.
17. When i was about 7 i used to get my maid to catch them little brown beetles, and put them in plastic tanks and tried to feed them. but they all died, so i stopped.
18. When i was unwillingly appointed physics rep in sec4 i thought at least it was better than nothing.
19. Long ago i fell down in my own front yard and cut my head against those green wire fences, and had to go to the hospital for a few stitches.
20. In my opinion, theres alot of things most people dont know about me. (how giveaway is this)

lol have fun. tagging everyone is hardly effective. so i tag weiren, nava, crunch, timwee(if u happen to read this) and cheryl (see 'timwee')

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