Friday, September 28, 2007

gives, and takes away

boredom brings me back. ehh but then i dunno what to write. havent written anything proper since. wow i've never written anything proper, lol. not here anyway, and probably not in exams either, judging from grades. -.- but i ceased giving a damn about that a long time ago. which i suppose is a bad thing. heh but the words come out clear enough in my head.

man i really need to get down to mugging o.O. but there appear to be many distractions. two major exams in three months = major drainage of mugging energy.


okay anyway one important lesson that i've not really learnt over my relatively short (so far, at least) life would be that following ones better judgement is usually a good practice, despite its possibly extremely counter-intuitive nature. 'cause there are Consequences. lol. or rather, things to lose. conversely, not attending to ones compulsions has Benefits. so i just thought i would pretend to be a wise person and dish out wise-sounding advice -.-.

on another random note.
Conflict and Resolution have always been the basis for any substantial plot. i suppose that includes life -.o even if resolutions arent necessarily good all the time o.O

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