Sunday, June 11, 2006

Condolences to myself, on her demise

haha. should have seen it coming i guess. strangely im not really sad. just..lost. didnt expect it to come so soon. now im left wondering what to do. sure, i can always colonize others, like im doing now, but they can never replace her. well not the ones i have access to anyway. less things to do on them, as they have limited..capabilities, being relatively older and lacking in certain aspects.

its a good thing, i guess, in a sense. now i can use my time to pursue the more important things in life. if the boredom doesnt kill me first.

lol i hope she can be brought back. even if its possible its gonna take quite a while. lol and if she cant...its a good thing too i guess. after all, it might open up access to...other better ones.

oh well. goodbye, for now.

all that usage of she and her is starting to creep me out.

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